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Entries in Magazines + Books (46)


In Reluctant Praise of Pink

In the past, if you'd asked me pointblank if I like the color pink I'd probably have immediately said "no" and make a face like this. But over the course of my blogging journey I've noticed that I pink has snuck up on me a lot more than once and made me fancy it (even if a little reluctantly so—silly, I know). So here are a few pink-hued pretties that I admit that I'm loving right now. Are you a reluctant lover of pink (or any other color) too?

Dr. Hunter Hand Cream - Caswell-Massey | Pink  LePen - Paper Source | Handmade Weddings - Chronicle Books | Neapolitan Note Card - Kate's Paperie | Seersucker Patent Vionette Bag - Kate Spade | Essie Nail Polish in Bachlorette Bash, Status Symbol, Pink Glove Service - Ulta | Gorgeous food photography from Call Me Cupcake (you have to check out this amazing blog).


A New Online Publication: S Magazine

Oooo...I just heard through my inbox that Susana of Wise Up Weddings (gorgeous stationery designs) just launched a brand new online wedding publication, S Magazine. It is translated into both English and Portuguese (a very nice touch) and is filled with beautiful ideas for party planning, inspirational eye candy and more. You can also find a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos and videos on their blog. Such a gorgeous magazine. I can't wait for the next issue! Pop on over and take a look at Issue No. 1 right now (it's free). xo Ez


RUE the a Good Way

The fifth issue of Rue Magazine just launched yesterday and boy is it ever filled with the most glorious eye candy. You just have to see it for yourself.

I am also tickled pink to have been interviewed for their "Blogger Side-by-Side" feature alongside the always sweet and lovely Jan from Poppytalk. Aren't the illustrations by Katie Roberts too cute!

Hurry on over and check out the full magazine here (you can find my wee feature on page 30). Thanks Rue! xo Ez


Pinterest Picks: 05. 24. 11

Hi guys! I hope your Monday has been going beautifully so far. Today I seem to be having a thing for neutrals with a pop of yellow. Maybe that's because I am missing the sun so much this dreary rainy May. I thought the April showers were supposed to bring May flowers (pouty face)!

Also, I wanted to let you know that I'm just wrapping up my Stationery Show post and will have it all ready to go for you tomorrow. There will be loads of links and picks to look at, so I hope you'll have your mouse finger primed and ready to click away.

If you would like to see my previous Pinterest Picks, you can find them here. See you tomorrow! xo Ez

  1. The Beekeeper's Bible seen on Design*Sponge | via Anna
  2. Gift Wrap Inspiration seen on Hege Greenall-Scholtz | via Erin
  3. Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting by Honey & Jam | via Hannah
  4. Streetstyle: Malene Knudsen on Stockholm StreetStyle | via Caitlin

A Few Little Things

Hi sweets! Popping by to share just a few little things that I'm lurrrving right now. Here's hoping your Wednesday is superfabulous...just like you! xo Ez

  1. Collector Plate by MINE™ - Felt & Wire Shop | Makes me smile + I love the gold!
  2. Campo Marzio Rollerball Pens - Kate's Paperie | Probably too pretty to use. I'd just set one on my desk and gaze at it.
  3. Zoe Heels - Kate Maconie | The golden beads almost have a tribal feeling about them - like porcupine quill beads.
  4. AF House Word Bracelet - The Clay Pot | Wear your love on your sleeve...err...your wrist!
  5. The workspace of design studio Candy Black - featured in the latest issue of free online magazine, Adore Home.
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