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Entries in Magazines + Books (46)


Today I Love: A Little Relish Magazine

Check out this beautiful new e-magazine by Chantelle Grady: A Little Relish. It is filled with gorgeous photography, scrumptious recipes, and more.

I just want to live inside the pages and only surface for air when necessary. Don't you?! You can read the entire issue for free here and check out the Chantelle's blog for more inspiration.


Anthropology of an American Girl

I admit it...I totally judge books by their covers. Always! And you know what, about 85% of the time the opinions I form based soley on the cover design end up being true by the time I make it to the end of a book. Does that happen to you too?

The latest tome I scrutinized is one whose cover caught my attention while I was awaiting my recent connecting flight in the Tennessee airport: Anthropology of an American Girl. I am only one third of the way through, but have already fallen in love with first-time author Hilary Thayer Hamann's brilliant style. She writes about heavy subjects and simple things with in words so exquisitely expressed that I find myself reading and re-reading single sentences over and over again just so that I can feel the emotion her words evoke again and again. Like this description of a beard (of all things). "A scratchy copper beard dusted his chin, making a wafery layer like penny-colored frost on a windowpane." Isn't that brilliant!

Anyhow, the content will not be for everyone...and I generally tend to think that recommending books is much like suggesting how someone should cut their hair or raise their child (not generally recommended). So please take my words of praise as a simple opinion and feel free to judge this book by its cover or in whatever way that you see fit. xo Ez

Cover design by: Greg Mollica | Cover artwork by: Leanne Shapton - You really must check out her site, especially her pattern designs (which oh my goodness...I just realized that I blogged about in 2008! Fun!).


Color Crush: Capri Blue, Gold + Cream

I started this color crush post a few weeks ago but somehow it got lost in the shuffle. Fortunately I rediscovered it early this morning and am still completely enamored with this cheery shade of Capri blue...especially when it's paired with gold and cream. What colors are your crushing on today? xo Ez

Belted Peg Pant - Asos | "Accipiter Striatus" Silkscreen Print by Klaus Haapaniemi | Round Ring - Ann Taylor | Willie's Chocolate Bible - Terrain | La Compagnie de Provence Mediterranee 10oz Body Lotion - The Conran Shop | Windsor Love Seat - Anthropologie


Friday Link Love

It's the end of the week—woop woop—and I thought it would be nice to leave you all with a few links I've been lovin' from around the web this week. I'll be spending Saturday picking blueberries with my family (all my sisters are in town) and I can't wait! Maybe I'll even have a tasty berry treat or two to share here next week. However you spend it...have a superfabulous weekend! xo Ez

Wilton Edible Stars available in gold or silver | 4 Ingredient Nutella Cookies - A Tasty Kitchen (via Charlie) / adapted with Gluten Free Flour - photo by me | These simple ribbon + lights combo decorations take my breath away, seen on Style me Pretty, Styling by Marianne Caldwell of RiverOaks, Photography by Virgil Bunao (via Solen) | Amazing book design by Allison Colpoys for Penguin Books, seen on The Design Files (via Desi) | Beautiful sentiment and lettering - Kateryna Iaokovlieva | Sweet DIY Fabric Gift Wrap by Casey of Paper + Twine, seen on Unruly Things (via Tif)


Sweet Paul Magazine: Summer 2011

Oh my! The Summer Issue of Sweet Paul Magazine just hit the virtual newsstand this morning and I can't get enough of it! Never has a magazine had more can-do projects, drool-worthy recipes, or page after page of gorgeous eye candy.

Hurry on over and see for yourself right here (it's free). xo Ez

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