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Entries in Home Decor (509)


One Good Thing: Bailey Doesn't Bark - Mini Collection

Have you seen the new Mini Series from Bailey Doesn't Bark? Re Jin, the talented ceramic artist extraordinaire behind the brand, hand-create the limited series of original pieces using precious moments spent with family and friends as her inspirational guide. I love thinking about the passion and care that Re Jin must have put into making 108 pieces that are all uniquely different, but that also work so seamlessly with one another!

I'd scoop up a whole table-full if I could! Can't you just imagine a cluster of little bowls on your night stand to hold rings and other pretties? Or maybe a set of planters suspended in your living room with succulents or tea lights inside?! The Bailey Doesn't Bark Mini Collection just debuted last week, and is already well on its way to being sold out! Each piece in the series is original, so if you see one (or more) that you love be sure to snag it right away! xo Ez


An Etsy Wish List for Our New Home

Wood Veneered Pendant Lights | Typography Art Print | Two Gold Drip Bowls | Grapefruit + Orange Soy Candle

Before leaving for our move I began compiling a wish list on etsy of some homegoods that I'd love to have in our new space someday. My love for black, white, and neutrals is still going strong. I've also been pinning decoration inspiration to my Our Someday Home Makeover board on pinterest if you're interested in taking a peek. I love how it's taking shape! Fingers crossed that I can actually start to make some of those wishes into reality soon! But for now...unpacking! Eep!

Custom Address Stamp | Vintage Wire Tray | Enamel House Number | Hand-printed Pillow


In Good Company: Cotton & Flax

I'm so excited to share this little gem of a shop with you all today. Cotton & Flax offers a tempting selection of handmade / hand printed goods...from one of a kind decorative pillows for your sofa or bed, to dish towels and printed postcards that are almost too lovely to use. Actually I would like the entire stack of pretties in this photo to magically appear on my couch right this minute. Wouldn't you?! Abracadabra...

Visit the Cotton & Flax shop for more.


Our Someday Home Makeover

Since our actual moving date jumped from a wishy-washy "hopefully sometime in May" to "by the end of this month" in an instant, my brain has had little time to catch up. We've been dreaming about moving back to California for so long, that the reality of it happening so quickly hasn't really sunk in very well. So I decided that a new Pinterest board might be in order: Our Someday Home Makeover! Envisioning us in our space and imagining all the ways that we will make it our own has done the trick. It actually feels real! We are really moving! Hooray!

Anyhow, the house my daughter and I will be renting is the very same one that we used to live in (I used to co-own it with my parents). Since it's a white geodesic dome (yes, you read that right), it looks far more like an igloo than a traditional house. Truth be told, on the outside it's a bit on the fugly side, but the inside (while surely in need of love) is great! The thing I recall most fondly from living there years ago is the amazing light that fills the main living area and the incredible views out the back. The sunsets we get fill the living room with a colorful glow that can't be beat! Sigh!

Unfortunately since I have exactly zero expendable income at the moment (especially after taxes, ouch), at the moment these pins are merely to dream about and be inspired by. They are giving me a clear goal though, and now I can't wait to save my pennies and fix up our place little by little as time goes on. I can't wait to share the process with you too. Please just promise to be understanding (I'm not an interior designer by any means), forgiving (our house will be humble and not at all glamorous...especially starting out), and helpful if you'd like (I can use all the tips and advice that I can get). I will appreciate it so much! Here's to dreaming...and someday (soon) doing! xo Ez

Image credits: Image from Trine Thorsen for Elle Decoration, shared on My Paradissi (via) | Image from Remodelista (via) | Image from Trendenser (via) | Image from Forever Love (via) | Image from A Beautiful Mess (via)


A Subtle Golden Touch

Lately (for far too long actually) I've been crushing on glamorous little pops of metallic gold on everything from home accessories to fashion. I especially love it when the gilding is done in an understated or unexpected a sprinkle of gold studs on the heel of a pair of black flats or a gold stapler on a desk. Pretty! 

For Any Room: Love Print by Jennifer Ramos - Twine

For the Dining Room: Rose Gold Flatware | Ceramic Heart Mug - West Elm

For the Washroom: Gold Frosted Linen Makeup Clutch - Gift Shop BrooklynNail Varnish - Sephora | Gold Eye Pencil - Sephora

For the Living Room: Hand Painted Pillow - Me Longings Studio

For the Office: Acrylic Clip Board (via) - Russell + Hazel | Gold Floral Pattern + Painted Stripe Cards by Rifle Paper Co. - Greer Chicago | Acrylic Stapler (via) - Russell + Hazel

For the closet: Superstar Bobbi - | Eternnal Flats - Zappos

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