Our Someday Home Makeover
Since our actual moving date jumped from a wishy-washy "hopefully sometime in May" to "by the end of this month" in an instant, my brain has had little time to catch up. We've been dreaming about moving back to California for so long, that the reality of it happening so quickly hasn't really sunk in very well. So I decided that a new Pinterest board might be in order: Our Someday Home Makeover! Envisioning us in our space and imagining all the ways that we will make it our own has done the trick. It actually feels real! We are really moving! Hooray!
Anyhow, the house my daughter and I will be renting is the very same one that we used to live in (I used to co-own it with my parents). Since it's a white geodesic dome (yes, you read that right), it looks far more like an igloo than a traditional house. Truth be told, on the outside it's a bit on the fugly side, but the inside (while surely in need of love) is great! The thing I recall most fondly from living there years ago is the amazing light that fills the main living area and the incredible views out the back. The sunsets we get fill the living room with a colorful glow that can't be beat! Sigh!
Unfortunately since I have exactly zero expendable income at the moment (especially after taxes, ouch), at the moment these pins are merely to dream about and be inspired by. They are giving me a clear goal though, and now I can't wait to save my pennies and fix up our place little by little as time goes on. I can't wait to share the process with you too. Please just promise to be understanding (I'm not an interior designer by any means), forgiving (our house will be humble and not at all glamorous...especially starting out), and helpful if you'd like (I can use all the tips and advice that I can get). I will appreciate it so much! Here's to dreaming...and someday (soon) doing! xo Ez
Image credits: Image from Trine Thorsen for Elle Decoration, shared on My Paradissi (via) | Image from Remodelista (via) | Image from Trendenser (via) | Image from Forever Love (via) | Image from A Beautiful Mess (via)

Reader Comments (21)
How fun! A geodesic dome would be so cool! I've always thought they looked fun to live in!
Ez, you are so adorable...no worries your house will be wonderful from the start. It is where you want to be and your daughter will be happy. Take your time and enjoy the process day by day. We will all be here to watch it happen. Thanks for sharing your very cool style and always remember a house is made into a wonderful home by virtue of the people who live there and share it! On that score you are way ahead of the game!! Best wishes.
can't wait to see what creative things you do with your house!! hope your move goes smoothly and that it brings great happiness to you both. each time we've moved it's been on a shoestring as well and i have great fun coming up with cheap things to make our new place homey.
Congrats on the move, Ez. Busy time for you, for sure, but it's going to be all so worth it once you're done. Hugs!
Yay, you're coming back to Cali! So excited for you! I hear you on pinching pennies. I've traded furniture and accessories with friends and family, reworked stuff I had, and stalked local thrift stores. If anyone can make it work, I'm sure you can with all your creative talents! I know it can be hard when we're online all the time and looking at all this eye candy, but it's worth it when you find inspiration that's doable and within budget. And I keep reminding myself that it's a long term work in progress. :)
You have lovely ideas. I am designer and I think you have a pretty good eye. I look forward to seeing your home makers adventure play out. My husband and I are busy renovating our home, and although it is a very slow process, it is a lot of fun. I love seeing what others get up to with their space.
those tape frames are genius!
This is so nice! Love those pictures they are pretty inspiring. In fact, I am like you, really love to dream about this home makeover however I am happy where I live and how it is decorated, I always have new projects popping in my head - but the money never follows! Hopefully, this summer we are about to remake the living room and I just cant wait!
Olive xox
Excited to see pics of Cali! I dream of moving somewhere sunny when I can afford it... Love from Alaska.
That all sounds and looks wonderful. I cannot wait to see photos of this dome home :) Good luck with the move!
A geodesic dome? That is awesome! I have always wanted to move to California... I love everything about the state... Please update us on the home's interior design!
Love the turquoise surprise inside the cupboard! Also the pink accents in the first image. Hope the move goes smoothly! Glad to hear your dream came true in high speed :)
Chalkboard walls are adorable. I think I'd be busy all day creating new images :)
Congrats on the move! I'm moving too next month (to New Mexico, to a '60s mod house)...it will be fun to see what you do with your dome! The light in CA is the most beautiful in the world...
I hope your move goes smooth I always hate the process but it's nice afterwards. I love these looks very much me.
I absolutely adore the first picture. The white canvas looks stunning with wood beans, make it feel so warm. Would move there in a snap!
Congrats Ez! I am sure you will make a lovely home for your daughter and yourself. Can you please tell me where you got your geodesic home from!!?? I really really want to live in an "alternative" home and need to convince my husband that it is doable;) Any info you can share would be sooo appreciated!
Chalkboard walls are so much fun. I've had one in my last two kitchens and whenever I have guests with wee ones, I break out the sidewalk chalk and let them have at it (with we leading the pack of course...LOVE me some colorful chalk).
The kitchen is just gorgeous! My dream kitchen for sure!
So excited for you and your daughter! I can't wait to see your new place and what you do with it. You have such amazing taste - I know it will be perfect. I'm in So. CA - maybe our paths will cross one day.
xxoo - carolyn {homework}
You're adorable. I love your inspiration boards and especially, your enthusiasm. It's hard to save money and sometimes, looking at well decked out homes require more money than you have. But we can always be creative and we can always DIY to achieve our kind of beauty.
I can't wait to see what you come up with, and know, that readers like me, appreciate your honesty and attempt! God knows I don't have a limitless credit card!