One Good Thing: Bailey Doesn't Bark - Mini Collection
Have you seen the new Mini Series from Bailey Doesn't Bark? Re Jin, the talented ceramic artist extraordinaire behind the brand, hand-create the limited series of original pieces using precious moments spent with family and friends as her inspirational guide. I love thinking about the passion and care that Re Jin must have put into making 108 pieces that are all uniquely different, but that also work so seamlessly with one another!
I'd scoop up a whole table-full if I could! Can't you just imagine a cluster of little bowls on your night stand to hold rings and other pretties? Or maybe a set of planters suspended in your living room with succulents or tea lights inside?! The Bailey Doesn't Bark Mini Collection just debuted last week, and is already well on its way to being sold out! Each piece in the series is original, so if you see one (or more) that you love be sure to snag it right away! xo Ez

Reader Comments (7)
Those are awesome!!
I love handmade pottery that isn't cookie cutter. These are great, especially the suggestion to suspend little plants in them!
These are all so organically beautiful! Love.
These are sweet. I love the simplicity.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! RJ is just so frickin awesome, right? I want a whole table full! :)
Oh, how wonderful is this? Love it!!!!!