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A New Online Publication: S Magazine

Oooo...I just heard through my inbox that Susana of Wise Up Weddings (gorgeous stationery designs) just launched a brand new online wedding publication, S Magazine. It is translated into both English and Portuguese (a very nice touch) and is filled with beautiful ideas for party planning, inspirational eye candy and more. You can also find a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos and videos on their blog. Such a gorgeous magazine. I can't wait for the next issue! Pop on over and take a look at Issue No. 1 right now (it's free). xo Ez

Reader Comments (7)

Is it, indeed, a gorgeous e-zine, isn´t?!
I´m so proud to know Susana! It´s a really privilege to know her. She's a very generous person. She didn´t know me (except my blog) and she suggested that I could participate in this great project!

BTW, congratulations for your site: it is marvelous!


May 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeauty in Paper

Dearest Ez, you just put a huge smile on my face (and my heart!)
Thank you fo beeing this sweet and generous person with a beautifull vision on things and the universe in general...

My package was sent today, it should arrive next wednesday, keep me posted :)

Love, Su

May 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersusana

Ah, what a beautiful magazine - thank you for the link!

Ok, I adore the masking tape heart! I'm heading over right now to check out the rest of the mag. Thanks for the great post!! Chic Rooms

May 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChic Rooms

We had such a wonderful time getting this thing ready! "Tired" is not part of Susana´s dictionary, she was amazing with her ideas, direction and completion. The result is this breath of fresh air that we due for quite some time! So happy to be part of it :)

Best of luck!

May 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndré Castanheira


I´m proud of being part of it... such wonderfull days doing this great magazine:) thanks for showing our work to the world:)


May 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterelisa arnaud

Love, Love, Love this! So chic, so different, and so refreshing, always can count on you to keep me current.

May 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAngela Saban

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