Using Pinterest to Help You Understand Your Readers/Shoppers
So by now you all know that I'm a huge Pinterest fan...right?! Well today I thought I'd share a quick little blogger or shop owner tip with you, on how you can use Pinterest to gain a better understanding of your readers/customers and what they like. The best part is that you don't even need to have a Pinterest account to put this to use!
Here's how it works: Every time an image from your blog or a product from your shop is pinned, Pinterest adds that item to a feed of all user-pinned items from your blog/shop (this does not work for individual etsy shops unfortunately). So by using this URL and substituting your URL in place of mine you can keep track of what posts/products are sparking your reader's/shopper's interest. Isn't that the sort of thing we always wonder about?! Of course this isn't perfect science (as all your readers/shoppers are not Pinterest users), but it's been a helpful little tool for me to use over the past couple months, and I hope it will come in handy for you too.
Also, it just occurred to me that this tool could be used to check in on the sort of content that is ranking well with others in your shop/blog community. For example, here's a snapshot of some recent pins from Martha Stewart. Just think of all the interesting...or should I say Pinteresting things you can discover! xo Ez

Reader Comments (53)
What a fantastic tip. Thanks EZ! (I'm also obssessed with Pinterest so any reason to use it more is great.)
Love this tip! I am still fairly new to Pinterest, so I love hearing about better ways to navigate and learn. Thank you!!
thank you for this tip. although i don't use pinterest myself, it is very useful to see what people are pulling from my blog. thank you!
Awesome tips! Now I need to just use pinterest more :)
Genius, Ez! I just tried it and had such a fun time seeing what my readers re-posted. The verdict? They love books and braids! (Not surprised:)
Great tip! Pinterest is indeed a wonderful resource as well as being addictive. Happy pinning...
Thanks for sharing this tip! I had no clue this existed! This is like "breaking news" today for me! haha
This is great - thank you for the tip!
So cool! Thanks for sharing. Now I can finally stalk people :)
Thanks EZ, for another wonderful tip! I am just starting out as a blogger and Pinterest user (I coincidently just got an invite this morning)...double YAY...and I really appreciate advice from experts like you :)
wonderful suggestion, thanks! going to check mine out now... :)
Wow! I never knew you could do this! Love me some Pinterest! Thanks for that tip!
pinterest is so much fun & such a brilliant idea/concept !!
i've been addicted for months now :)
thank you for the tip ! i had never tried to do that !
Thanks for this tip; great info to know and use!
Interesting! Thanks Ez.
This is brilliant. Thanks so much for sharing this tip!
nice! can't believe i didn't know this. thank you for sharing!
crazy! i had no idea that feature existed... thank you!
Great tip - thanks so much!
So all the time I "waste" on Pinterest I can now put down to customer research - yesssss!
Wow, this is so cool - thanks so much for sharing it! My blog is still pretty young and I'm still sort of figuring out what I want to do with it exactly, but of course I had to check anyway, just out curiosity. :) No way did I expect to find a few pins of a tutorial I did - so your turn gave me a little boost in addition to being very useful! Thanks again!
Oh thanks for the tip. I just tried it and I'm fairly popular! xx
Although not up there with martha!
Ez, thanks! This is brilliant! You're such a champ.