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Entries in Bath + Body (68)


One Good Thing: Murphy & Daughters Bon Bon Soap

Okay, I haven't actually tried this Murphy & Daughters Bon Bon Soap in person, but I am so smitten with the packaging alone that I almost feel as though it doesn't matter what the actual soap is like (although I see it has rave reviews online, so that's a plus). These would work so well tucked into little gift parcels for friends or displayed on the bathroom counter in a glass apothecary jar. Soaps are available for purchase at Anthropologie.


Pinterest Picks: 05. 09. 11

Hi friends and happy Monday! Did you have a great weekend? Mine was pretty laid-back, and ended with a nice and relaxing day out at my parent's home celebrating Mother's Day (we had fresh berry shortcake for fave). My daughter also made me a slew of handmade gifts that were the icing on the cake. It was perfect.

Anyhow...I'm ready to kick this week off on a bright and cheery note, and found these pretties on Pinterest to help me do it:

  1. Nicole's California Home Tour seen on Made By Girl | via Michelle Shaffner
  2. Corrie's Kitchen Spa: DIY Citrus Salt Body Scrub | via Heidi Melin
  3. Paint Palette from Martha Stewart | via Rachel Saldana
  4. Today is a Beautiful Day watercolored journal by The Paper Dialogues (shop here) | via Abigail Allred

If you'd like to see my previously posted Pinterest Picks, you can find them right here. If you're on Pinterest, add me as a friend here (I'll add you back). xo Ez


Three Things :::

Just a wee mid-day post to share three things I'm loooooving right now:

  1. Simple and sweet DIY Button Magnets from The Happy Home | Check out the gift presentation ideas too (perfect as teacher gifts).
  2. DIY Braided Bead Necklace by ECAB (via Nicole) | I want to make a stockpile of these in every color imaginable for Summertime wearing!
  3. The gorgeous kitchen of Jasna Janekovic | Wouldn't you love to sit down to a meal in her lovely home!

Etsy Finds & Faves: Mum's the Word

Okay...hold the presses! Can you believe how soon Mother's Day is?!! Are you as panicked by the the realization as I am (10 days away people...10 days)? Phew! I haven't even begun to figure out what to get or make for my Mom, but these pretties are a good starting place for inspiration. BTW I'm currently working on a little Mother's Day printable for you all for next week (crossing my fingers that it turns out). See you on Monday! xo Ez

Hello my pretties:


Color Crush: Berry + Blush + Sand + Blue

Hello sweets! I'm currently crushing hard on this color palette right now because of the way it makes me wistful for Summertime, birthday parties, and the seaside...all good things, right?! I think the dabs of blush pink help to rescue the board from leaning too far towards a patriotic color scheme. What do you think? Should red paired with blue be relegated to the month of July, or do you think this palette works beyond that one month? xo Ez

Clockwise (from top left):

And if you this same color crush with me, then be sure to check out a post I put together two years ago using almost the exact same palette. Fun!

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