Packaging Illustration by Mio Matsumoto
What's not to love about this wonderfully whimsical product packaging illustration by Mio Matsumoto for Life.NK from Space.NK. Represented by Jed Root, Inc.

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What's not to love about this wonderfully whimsical product packaging illustration by Mio Matsumoto for Life.NK from Space.NK. Represented by Jed Root, Inc.
Today I'm loving tangy hues ranging from citron to tangelo with a little touch of warm grey to keep things from getting sticky sweet. What colors are you crushing on today? Is there one image that exemplifies the palette you most love right now? I'd love for you to share a link to it in the comment section below. You just might spark my next color crush! xo Ez
Last Summer I fell head over heels in love with the Lollia bath & body line - or more specifically any one of their products in the "Wish" scent (the smell reminds me of childhood vacations to the beach with my grandparents — in other words: perfection).
Just last week I popped over to their site and discovered their new line of Poetic License Candles. I'm certain that they must smell incredible...heaven knows the packaging alone would sell it for me, but the part that pushed me over the edge is the beautiful "poetic" names that they've given each candle. Who wouldn't want to experience the flickering of a candle named Sunspots On a Photograph, Stacks of Pretty Paper, or I Can Still Smell the Rain?! Each fragrance/name combination conjures up such wonderful scent memories and I can't wait to hopefully have the chance to pick one up soon (finally deciding which fragrance to purchase is a whole other story). xo Ez
I've been saving (and swooning over) these gorgeous Scotch Naturals polishes in my link storage for a bit now, and when I came across this glam greeting card by my friend Kerry on her site Lush Bella a vision for this post suddenly emerged. I love how these sultry vintage-inspired pieces give a playful nod to bygone times while staying fresh and totally craveable now. I hope you love them too! xo Ez
While shopping the other day discovered the perfect red polish by OPI. Of course I was trying to be good and walked out of the store without buying it. I have one test dot painted on my pointer finger that has been mocking me with it's cheery brightness ever since. Of course now I know I have to go back and find my little jar of festive shine (if only I could remember what it is called). Have you been looking for the perfect red too? (my obsession began after receiving one of J.Crew's recent catalogs).
So, inspired by my recent shopping mishap I thought I'd do a little roundup of swoon-worthy red nail polishes, perfect for brightening up any dreary day! xo Ez
Top row (from left to right): Scotch Naturals - "Kiltlifter" Nail Polish, Zoya - "America", Zoya - "Salma" | Bottom row (from left to right): Revlon - "Red Hot Tamale", Revlon - "All Fired Up" , OPI - "A Oui Bit of Red"