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Entries in Bath + Body (68)


In My Imaginary Closet: 

Hello sweets! I'm back to share the new imaginary contents of my closet with you all. I generally shy away from wearing bright colors (almost all the clothes in my actual closet are safely within the black to neutral range), but these coral short and sandals really caught my eye. And since we are off in imaginary land (I don't actually own any of these lovely pieces) then I can also imagine that I'd be comfortably skipping around in pops of vibrant colors, right?! What do you have in your imaginary closet today? You know I want to see! xo Ez can see past In My Imaginary Closet posts here.


Pinterest Picks: 03. 21. 11

Hello friends! Did you all have a wonderful weekend? Spring made a truly spectacular arrival here yesterday with glorious breezy weather in the 80's, which we of course took full advantage of at our local park. It couldn't have been more perfect! Happy sigh.

Anyhow, each week as I am looking through my favorites over on Pinterest I almost always find myself drawn to a specific color palette...and that palette (I've discovered) more often than not seems to involve pink. I'm not sure why...I don't think of myself as a huge pink fanatic, but then a new Monday rolls around again, and that's what I find myself collecting to share with you all. Whether you love the hue or loath it, hop over to Pinterest to get an eyeful of inspiration (in every color). You can find more of my pins here and previous weekly Pinterest Picks right here. Have a gorgeous Monday! xo Ez

  1. Photo shoot for Kiss the Groom - Cake by Erica O'Brien, Photography by Elizabeth Messina, styled by Joy Thigpen for Once Wed | Pinned by Postcards and Pretties
  2. Sohum Cosmetics Cleopatra Soap | Pinned by Jeanee Duval
  3. Oil Painting by Todd Hunter | Pinned by Amanda Halbrook
  4. LO Double Corsage Shoes from Miss Selfridge | Pinned by LauraBelle Hanley
  5. HauteLook Necklace via Svpply | Pinned by Emma Trithart

Etsy Finds & Faves: 03. 11. 11

Hello sweets! I put this little product grouping together earlier this week, but it feels a bit strange to post it in light of the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan that struck yesterday. My heart is with all those who have been effected both in Japan and around the World by this devastating act of nature. If you feel comfortable giving, the American Red Cross and other charities are always in need (even more so after disasters like this one). It is in times like this that we are reminded to truly appreciate the people and little things that make life so sweet. I hope your weekend will be wonderful and that you and your loved ones are safe and well. xo Ez


Etsy Finds & Faves: 03. 04. 11

Hi guys! I just wanted to share my etsy finds & faves with you before I take off for the weekend. Thanks for being here this week and brightening my day with your visit. Also, if you haven't seen them yet, I wanted to invite you to take a look through the new Projects + Inspiration Galleries here on Creature Comforts. If you're looking for a fun DIY project for your weekend, you just might find exactly what you're looking for (I sure hope so)! See you all next week! xo Ez


Color Crush: Azure, Taupe + Ecru

I noticed the other day that there seemed to be a growing assortment of azure blue hued bookmarks in my links-to-share file, so I thought that today would be the perfect day to do so. I'm especially loving the way this color looks when pared with warm taupes and creamy whites. Perfect when applied to fashion or home decor! xo Ez

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