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Entries in pinterest (90)


Pinterest Pros: Set No.1

I don't want to overstate the obvious here...but there are so many amazing people over on Pinterest pinning so many awesomely inspiring things! You agree, right?!

So today I thought I'd start a new occasional column here on Creature Comforts spotlighting a few of my faves. I'm calling them Pinterest Pros. The title has more to do with their fabulous taste, than any other status marker. Pay them a visit and by all means, follow them if you like what you see! xo Ez

P.S. Do you have a favorite Pinterest user that you want to nominate for Pinterest Pros? Someone whose pins you just can stop repinning? I'd love to hear about them in the comment section below. Please be sure to include a link to your personal Pinterest account too!

The Gilded Lobster: pin | pin | pin

Toi: pin | pin | pin

Pella Hedeby: pin | pin | pin

P.P.S. Just in case you were pinterest boards can be found right here. Have a gorgeous weekend friends! xox


Pinterest Picks: 10 Sinfully Delicious Chocolate Dessert Recipes

Hi sweets! Did you have a relaxing weekend? I don't know what it is about Saturdays that makes me go hog-wild in the kitchen, but I always need something tasty to mix up. These decadent chocolate desserts are all on my must try list. I guess I'm set for recipes until the end of October! Yum! xo Ez

1. Toffee Cookies (via Delishhh) | 2. Salted Caramel and Chocolate Popcorn Balls (via The Gilded Lobster) | 3. Caramel Brownies (via The Gilded Lobster) | 4. Texas Sheet Cake (via Denise) | 5. Nutella Crunch Ice Cream Pie (via Tess) |

6. Reeses Rice Krispie Treats (via Lindsey) | 7. Homemade Thin Mints (via Jane) | 8. Nutella S'mores Bars (via Mr. Goodwill Hunting) | 9. Oreo Truffle Brownies (via Amanda) | 10. Rolo Brownie Triffles (via Jane) |

Find a whole lot more chocolatey recipes (and other deliciousness) in my 'Eat' board on Pinterest. All of my boards can be found here.


Pinterest Picks: 6 DIY Tutorials That Caught My Eye

Hi friends. Today I thought I'd share a little grouping of some of the great DIY projects I've recently spotted over on Pinterest. If you're the DIY sort, you can find a full board of mine on Pinterest wholly devoted to DIY tutorials and freebies right here. All my other boards can be seen here. xo Ez

1. Recycled Leather & Wood Shelf on Design*Sponge (via Naomi) | 2. DIY Hand-Stamped Fabric from Papernstitch (viaLuiza) | 3. Simple DIY Embossing Technique from Bookhou at Home (via Amber) |  Printable Articulated Strongman from Appracadabra (via Miss Lonny) | 5. Oversized Hand-Written Poster Project from Making Nice in the Midwest (via Meg) | DIY Sawhorse Desk by Besotted Brand Blog for Brooklyn Limestone (via me)


Pinterest Picks: Still in Love With Mint

I can't help it...I'm just as in love with mint as I was earlier this year, last year, and the one before that too. Here are a few of my recent minty faves from Pinterest. If you're a fellow mint lover you can find a whole board of mine purely devoted to the hue right here, and / or explore all my other boards here. xo Ez

1. Cherry Vanilla Cake with Swiss Meringue Buttercream by Call Me Cupcake! (via Nicole) | 2. You're Awesome Greeting Card from Sugar Paper (via Aaron) | 3. Candy Canes Art Print from I Need Nice Things (via Stephanie) | 4. Pattern Design (available for licensing) by Ashley Goldberg (via Joanna) | 5. Drift Playlist Graphic Design Work from Chelsey Dyer (via Ana)


Pinterest Picks: 07. 16. 12

Every Summer since moving to Oklahoma two years ago I've found myself mid-July gazing longingly at anything and everything that reminds me that cooler months will be coming around again. Something about these pretties on Pinterest bring late summer / early Autumn to mind and for this over-heated, humidity-drenched lady...that's a good good thing! If you're interested you can find and follow my pins over on Pinterest right here, and/or check out past Pinterest Picks collections on Creature Comforts here. xo Ez

1. DIY Mid-Century Modern House Numbers - Curbly (via Lia) | 2. Biscoff and Kahlua Crunch Cupcakes - Baker's Royale (via Paula) | 3. Frozen Coffee - Pepper.Ph (via Joanna) | 4. Casual Style - Sincerly Jules (via Ana

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