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Entries in pinterest (90)


Pinterest Picks: 03. 07. 11

Hello lovelies! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Mine was rather ho-hum, so I'm glad to be done with it and onto another great week! Tomorrow I've planned a mini road trip to Kansas to visit with my sister and her new baby (yay). But not to worry...I'm working on some posts to share with you while I'm away (there will be a yummy recipe in there too), so you won't even notice a thing. Anyhow...I hope your Monday is shaping up beautifully and I'll be back again "in person" on Wednesday. Toodeloo 'til then. xo Ez

Here we have my weekly Pinterest picks. Find previous picks here, and my Pinterest boards here.

  1. Photographer Elif Sanem Karakoc - found here | Original pin
  2. Thread Wrap Bangle Bracelets - Set of 5 | Original pin
  3. Latte Bowls | Original Pin
  4. Photographer Luke Stephenson | Original pin
  5. Peach Sleeveless Tuck Detail Dress | Original pin

Pinterest Picks: 02. 28. 11

Can you believe it's the last day of February already! I mean where on earth has this month gone to?! My noble plans to bust out a few new DIY projects over the weekend went nowhere, but when I tell you why in a day or two I think you'll be glad to hear what I spent my time on instead. At least I hope so.

Anyhow...I hope your Monday is treating you brilliantly so far and that it will be the start of a fabulous week for you! March will be upon us tomorrow (and that means Spring is close by too—woohoo). xox Ez

For your viewing pleasure...some recent pins I found on Pinterest. Find all my pins and faves here and previous pinterest picks right here.

  1. Ferm Living Napkins | Original Pin
  2. Fringe Wedding Cake | Original Pin
  3. Dip Dyed Business Cards | Original Pin
  4. Bowdelaire Ballet Flats | Original Pin
  5. Neon Table | Original Pin

Pinterest Picks: 02. 07. 11

Hello sweets! How was your weekend? It was my daughter's birthday on Saturday—for which were were snowed-in—but we managed to have a fun and festive day even though we couldn't leave the house (maybe I'll share a few pictures later). Then yesterday afternoon we finally managed to (barely) make it down our snow smothered road for a much needed trip to the grocery store. It's hard to believe that everything is still so heavily blanketed in snow (I know it's winter and all...but still...enough already).

Anyhow, these lovelies were brightening my pinboards this week on pinterest:

  1. Ampersands by Darren Booth - Original Pin
  2. Grey Pear Diamond Ring - Original Pin
  3. Canvas Overnight Bag in Neon Coral - Original Pin
  4. Asos Spring 2011 Collection - Original Pin

See my previous Pinterest Picks right here. xo Ez


Pinterest Picks: 01. 31. 11

Hello bloggy friends! Did you all have a wonderful weekend? We had freakishly warm weather here—into the high 70's! Yes, it was glorious. But you need not be jealous for long because we are due for a huge winter storm this evening and are expecting temperatures to drop below zero for a few days. Fun stuff. Anyhow, here are a few of my most recent pinterest picks. The sunny yellow is exactly what I need to right now, since it is so grey and dreary outside.

By the way, Pinterest has been down a lot recently, but I know my friend Ben and his team are working hard to get it operating more smoothly for us. So if you've been frustrated trying to join or add your own pins, hang in there. I'm sure we'll all be pinning away like mad fiends before we know it.

  1. Illustration by Gaku Nakagawa | Original Pin
  2. Eco Highlighter Yellow Pencils | Original Pin
  3. Marc Jacobs Bag via Harper's Bazaar | Original Pin
  4. Second Chances (please let me know if you know the credit for the this artist) | Original Pin

You can see my other Pinterest Picks right here. xo Ez


Pinterest Picks: 01. 24. 11

Hi Sweets! I'm back from Alt Summit and still trying to process everything that I learned and experienced over the past week. I can't wait to share more about it soon. But for now I want to introduce a new feature that I'm going to try out, and see if we all like it: Pinterest Picks.

If you're a Pinterest member than you already know how inspiring and fun it is (if not hurry on over and sign up). One of the things that I love about flickr and now Pinterest too, is the ability to gain a broader sense of yourself by looking through the items you favorite. I always find the most interesting patterns emerging (things I would not necessarily spot without the ability to look at such a large grouping of images together).

In any case, each Monday I thought I'd share a few of the pins that are inspiring me (along with crediting links for the original "pinners" of course). I hope you'll find new things to love, and interesting people to follow and be inspired by too. I'd love for you to add me if you'd like. xo Ez

Featured Pins:

  1. Candy Poppers (photo by Jackie Wonders) - original pin
  2. Esla Events - original pin
  3. Prospero Journal - original pin
  4. Red Velvet Cake - original pin
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