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Entries in pinterest (90)


Pinterest Picks: Crushing on the Cat-Eye

Last week after I blogged and pinned this Waterproof Clay Shadow / Liner from Tarte I heard great feedback about it from you guys, along with some recommendations for a more affordable version made by Maybelline. So on Friday I decided to pick it up and give it a try. Of course while shopping I neglected to double-check which brand had been mentioned, and with the vast array of products dazzling me at the store I accidentally ended up buying L'Oreal Infallible Gel Lacquer Liner instead. I haven't compared the two, but I'm really happy with the one I ended up with. For someone who is all thumbs like I am, I have been surprised by how easy it is to use the brush that the liner comes with, and how smooth the liner itself goes on. And it really stays on all day! I haven't had any mess-ups yet (woohoo), and now I'm a tad obsessed. So in honor of my new cat-eye love affair I thought I'd put together a little Pinterest roundup celebrating the look (there are some helpful how-to tips included in there too). xo Ez

1. Cat Eyes - Karla's Closet (via Jessica) | 2. The Winged Cat Eye illustrated by Decade Diary, shared on Wit + Delight (via Madison) | 3. VIDEO: How to Master the Classic Cat-eye Look - Refinery29 (via la Hernandez) | 4. How-to Cat-eye - Nasty Gal Blog (via Nicole) | 5. The Tape Trick for Perfect Cat-Eyes - Erin Ashley (via Erin)


Pinterest Picks: A Project Moodboard

Click on the image for an enlarged view

I have a special project underway that has been feeling a bit stale, so I decided that I'd use today's Pinterest Picks post as an excuse to dig around on Pinterest for inspiration. It didn't take too long for this moodboard to emerge. I love the warm color palette pared with all those lovely textures. Feels pretty cozy to me! xo Ez

1. Styling by Stylizimo Blog (via Designbird) | 2. Inside-out S'mores Cake - Hungry Rabbit (via Jamie) | 3. Stephan Watch - JackThreads (via Haley) | 4. Graphic Design by Antonio Carusone of Studio Beige (via Emily) | 5. Illustration by Chia-Chi Yu (via Emily) | 6. Photograph from Asphalt Heritage Club (via Debra) | 7. Beach & Back by 365 Shores, photo by Cameron Rad (via Takaya) 8. Pale Pink Reversible Wrap - Sugar Paper (via Jill) | 9. Oh Hell No lettering by Bryan Collins (via Mariaemb) | 10. Basket full of paper - Brookfarm General Store Blog (via Ginny)


Pinterest Picks: Color Trend - Pops of Coral for Fall

Coral is mostly commonly lumped into the "Summer colors" category, but I'm loving little pops of it for Fall. It's a great way to add a bit of brightness to a season that can often feel a little bit dim. You can find more coral & orangey picks of mine in the Pinterest board I dedicated to the color. And of course all my boards can be explored right here. Have a fabulous Tuesday friends! xo Ez

1. Sapatilha Flats - Santa Lolla - (via Natasha) | 2. Folding Chair Makeover - Design for Mankind (via Amanda) | 3. The Wigwam Cabins Logo Design by Jennifer Lucey-Brzoza / More at Oat Creative (via Stacey) | 4. Alpaca Wrap Cardigan - Boden (via Audrey)


Pinterest Picks: A Thing For Hand-Lettering

 1. 365 Days of Hand Lettering by Lisa Congdon (via Colleen) | 2. Paris by Rachel Chew (via Me) | 3. Oui Oui by Badlands  (via Brandy)

I've had a thing for typography and hand-lettering since I was just a wee thing. When I was about 12 years old I vividly remember checking out a massive stack of calligraphy books from the library, and then spending hours in my room trying my hand at crafting each letter perfectly (never mind that I owned not even one calligraphy tool and was hacking away with just a simple ballpoint pen). After all this time I've never really mastered the art, but it's still something that makes my heart go pitter-pat. I have a whole happy place over on Pinterest devoted to my love of type, so come on over and follow along if you're heart skips a beat for all things typographically inclined too. xo Ez

4. Enjoy the Little Things from TheLoveShop (via Me) | 5. Bon Bon Brush Lettering by Henric Sjösten, seen on Eight Hour Day (via Molly) | 6. Judy Garland Quote by Molly Jacques for Inspired to Share (via Jessica)


Pinterest Picks: 08. 20. 12

I have to admit to being rather distracted over the weekend getting my daughter ready for the new school year (she started today), and I'm a wee bit I hope today you'll allow the images to do the talking for me.

If you'd like you can find more curated Pinterest collections here, or all of my Pinterest Boards here. Have a beautiful Monday friends! xo Ez

1. Floral design by Poppies & Posies (via Jessie) | 2. Manchette Bracelets - My Fashion Lab (via Hannah) | 3. Home - FiveFortyFive (via Me) | 4. Garance Dore Hilarious iPhone Case - Kate Spade (via Sarah) | 5. Jeffrey Campbell 'Miller' Oxford - Ashbury Skies (via Melissa) | 6. Eton Mess Trifle - Sips and Spoonfuls (via Pauline)

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