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Entries in Magazines + Books (46)


Inspiration Daily: 8 .20 .08

Ice Cream Cupcakes from Martha Stewart Living (photography and styling links not given)

(Photo Border by wwitch22)




A little while back I had the privilege of getting to talk about blogging with Christienne de Tournay Birkhahn, who writes for Stationery Trends Magazine.  And just yesterday I received word (from Kati of The Finer Things) that the article including that interview, as well as interviews with some of my favorite fellow bloggers has been published!  I feel so lucky to be included with such lovely bloggers as: Katey of One Good Bumblebee and Kati of The Finer Things ...and feel honored to have the opportunity to share my passion for blogging with even more people!

Thank you Stationery Trends and Christienne for writing such a wonderful article!

A big thanks to Kati for the heads up and images... and another big thank you to Holly for spreading the work in such a kind and generous way (just as she always does)! xox Ez



It's time to play... Versus!
No really, I actually just created this fun little poll for you all regarding inspirational sources.  I'd love to know where you find the majority of your inspiration from.  Please feel free to elaborate with links to sources and sites in the comment section below.
This isn't a bashing of one source over another... I'm a blogger but I also love my print publications, so it's really all in good fun.  I hope you'll play along!  Perhaps we will all find some inspiration in the replies!





Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 03:00 AM

It's no secret that I'm a steadfast fan of Martha Stewart's many publications... but I just received the April '08 issue of Living in the mail yesterday and I love, love, loved it even more so that usual.  It had a much brighter and hipper feel to it... dare I assume that perhaps they've added a few of the old Blueprint staffers to the mix?  Whatever the case may be, you should definitely pick yourself up a copy (if you don't already subscribe)... and in the meantime try out this easy and cute d.i.y. bracelet project (also found in the magazine).  Perfect for the first day of Spring (even if it's still snowing in your neck of the woods)!

{All images from Martha Stewart Living Magazine - April '08}


Domino + Drew

The lovely crew over at Domino Magazine want to share a behind the scenes look at their upcoming April issue with you... and I'm all for spreading the love (of one of my favorite magazines)!  On the cover (and inside of course) you'll find the sweet and talented Drew Barrymore... who's carefree yet chic sense of style always inspires me. I can't wait to have a hot little copy in my hands! See more on Domino Magazine online... and look for it on newsstands soon!

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