Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ez in About Me / My Shops, Magazines + Books, Paper Goods, press


A little while back I had the privilege of getting to talk about blogging with Christienne de Tournay Birkhahn, who writes for Stationery Trends Magazine.  And just yesterday I received word (from Kati of The Finer Things) that the article including that interview, as well as interviews with some of my favorite fellow bloggers has been published!  I feel so lucky to be included with such lovely bloggers as: Katey of One Good Bumblebee and Kati of The Finer Things ...and feel honored to have the opportunity to share my passion for blogging with even more people!

Thank you Stationery Trends and Christienne for writing such a wonderful article!

A big thanks to Kati for the heads up and images... and another big thank you to Holly for spreading the work in such a kind and generous way (just as she always does)! xox Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.