Free Printable Bird Ornaments / Gift Tags by Lisa Rupp
Aren't these Free Printable Bird Ornaments / Gift Tags by the always talented Lisa Rupp just the sweetest thing! Click here to visit her site and download your printables. I've already got a stack printed and ready to be hung on the tree! xo Ez

Reader Comments (9)
Oh, how cute! Thanks for sharing. My grandma will adore these. mom is going love these! I am doing a giveaway of my hand made pottery today...just in case you're interested!
Thanks Ez!
So lovely, perfect for my gifts - thanks for the link :)
Love it! THANK YOU!
What darling little delights! Thank you and Merry Christmas :)
So cute...I made a garland of these for my tree. They look so happy on pine.
These are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing
These are lovely! I featured them on my blog and linked back to you. Thanks! ~Dee