Inspiration Daily: 12. 09. 10
Image credits: 1. breathe in Autumn, 2. painted newspaper, 3. everyman's shopping centre, 4. 138/365

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Image credits: 1. breathe in Autumn, 2. painted newspaper, 3. everyman's shopping centre, 4. 138/365
Reader Comments (11)
I completely love these colors, these teals are just yummy, especially on the blouse :)
Such a delicious, refreshing combination of colours!
wow, quite possibly my favorite inspiration board yet!
The top left photo is my favorite. Beautiful.
love the color combo... greens are always in style
Mmmm this makes me want mint chocolate chip ice cream! :)
I love your collages! so beautiful!
I think this is my favorite inspiration post you have done! So lovely. AND yummy. :)
I just love this color palette! The teal is so perfect with the golden mustard and the chalk gray! The photos are pretty too :)
wow, these colors are incredible!
Love this one!