Today I Love: Antler & Co.
I've loved the natural/whimsical appeal of antlers as decor for ages now, but the site Antler & Co. has revved my adoration up to a whole new level with their fantastic line. I'd love to have a antler hook by my front door to hang my bag from, or a mobile version to use as an inspiration "board" in my studio. You can check all the goodness out right here.
And just incase you were worried/wondering, the antlers are naturally shed each year (so no animals are harmed in order to infuse your home with some woodland magic). Hooray!

Reader Comments (13)
I love that antlers and deer heads seems to be coming into style, as my husband is an avid hunter and easily has 20+ antler sheds sitting around our house. He even made a gun rack out of a particularly large axis antler. And just in case any of you are queasy about hunting, deer shed their antlers every year, then they grow back. So all of these can be harvested with no harm to the animals. Though they do make tasty venison roasts. Just sayin' ;)
Love these!
i will take it all please :)
xo Alison
Oooh I absolutely love these!
HOW NEAT! I'm off to check out the shop right now, thanks for sharing!! :)
Superb find, I am besides myself with their logo, most excellent!
Beautiful. And I've always wondered about how the antlers were obtained...knowing that it's a natural process helps assuage the guilt I felt for thinking antler decor was so striking!
they MUST be from Portland. I spy some Hazel Cox jewels!
it's good to know no animals were harmed for these. i LOVE the look of antlers and these are perfect (and in my price range!) double hooray!
love this!
Antlers! I bought a pair for my boyfriend for Christmas and I CANNOT wait to have them hanging on our walls.
ok. i want one hanging on my wall.
Naturally shed. YES!