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Free Printable: Tags + Labels by Renee Garner

The sweet and incredibly talented Renee Garner of Wolfie + the Sneak put together this fantastic free tag + label download for our 18 Days Series.  I adore anything with scallops and she knocked it out of the park even further with those gorgeous birds and festive flag garlands!  I can't wait to stick them onto the gifts under my 'bout you!

Download: Printable Holiday Tags + Labels

Directions for use:  Print your tags onto adhesive-backed sticker paper for easy stick-on labels OR print onto heavy-weight cardstock.  Simply cut out and stick, glue on, or string up and hang from your presents.  Perfect for decorating homemade and store-bought gifts! 

Thank you so much for this adorable sheet of printable tags Renee!  You can find more from Renee by visiting her: SITE  |  SHOP  |  BLOG (where there are more freebies to be found)

Reader Comments (7)

These are simply beautiful.

Merry Christmas Ez!

♥ Gabreial

December 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGabreial

I love these! What an unusual and beautiful design. I'll be printing these out this afternoon. Thanks so much!

December 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUp in the Air Somewhere

Ooh! It is lovely to see Renee's work here! These are so incredibly gorgeous and I can't wait to use some! :) Thank you ladies!

December 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa de la Fuente

These are so pretty!! I love Renee's work - I have 2 of her prints in my LR, and darn if they don't make so happy everytime I pass by!! Thanks for sharing Renee - hope you're doing well!!

December 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdaisy janie

Thanks for sharing all these great ideas!
Merry Christmas!

December 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOlívia

Aw, thanks you guys--I told Ez I was a little intimidated putting my work up on her beautiful blog!
You've all made me feel better about it and brightened my day! Happy holidays!

December 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRenee

Love it !! So vintage !!

January 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElhazia

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