Creative Inspiration: Winter in a Jar by Monique(moki)
I love this wonderfully clever holiday idea Winter in a Jar by Monique(Moki). Don't you?!

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I love this wonderfully clever holiday idea Winter in a Jar by Monique(Moki). Don't you?!
Reader Comments (9)
beautiful Winter inspiration.
So totally obvious- and yet I've never seen it done before!
Very cute, especially that itty-bitty house. Eee!
I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I’ve linked to gift tags/labels that you designed. The post is located here There is also a text only post for slower connections just below it. Thank you for sharing your art so freely. I would love it if you would let me know if you have designed other tags or labels that should be included. And please, by all means, share this post. Stamp out store tags! ;)
Oh my goodness! I am going to make these with my little gal. She is going to love them :) Thank you for posting this!
Oh, how wonderful! Let's make one! How beautiful!
Simple and beautiful! :-)
Oh, my! These are so cute! And what a perfect project to try with the little ones...
Here I am just catching up on my blog reading and find this! Thank you for featuring this fun craft o' mine! LOVE your blog!
Yes, very cute and fun!