It's Freebie Time
Hello everyone! I'm always trying to think of new and interesting things to share with you all. Did you know that? Actually I spend a huge amount of my daily existence thinking about you and musing upon how lucky I am to have each one of you as readers. The support and inspiration you give me every day truly touches my heart... it really does! So thank you.
Anyhowwwww... I thought it was about time for a new freebie, so I've created these fun printables for you all to enjoy. I love vintage books, library cards, card catalog files (oh what I wouldn't give for one of those babies), so here you have:
- Library Card Pocket Template
- Printable Standard Library Cards
- Printable Mini Note Cards (they fit inside the library card pockets) and are perfect for stashing in lunch boxes or using to top a gift)
I especially love the idea of using these as seating cards at a wedding or event. Stamping each of the library card pockets with a number (or the guest's name) and then tucking a mini menu or program inside! Perfect!
To read directions for use and to download...
{DIRECTIONS FOR USE} - Library Card Pocket
- Print template at 100% onto cardstock
- Cut out template along the outer lines
- Place template on top of a plain or patterned sheet of paper (heavyweight paper works best, but you can use other paper as well). If your paper has a pattern be sure to place it pattern side down.
- Trace template onto your paper using faint lines with a pencil and cut out
- Fold paper where shown on the template (along the dotted lines) starting with number 1 and finishing with number 3.
- Glue the flaps (labeled on the template as number 3) using a glue stick.
- Taa-daa
Download library card pocket template
Download free standard library cards
Perfect for:
- Your personal lending library
- Love notes
- Lunch box messages
- Inspirational words left for unsuspecting patrons at your local library or book store
- Gift tags
- Seating cards at your next party (even better if it's for your book club)
- Just because they are cute and oh so nostalgic!

Reader Comments (68)
with love from Pittsburgh...
Lots of fun!
Thank you for the freebies. They're supercute.
Yeah, I want a card catalog or a chinese medicine cabinet, as well. Good thing dreams are free!