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Seeing Red...

I love the way a perfectly portioned touch of red can really bring a room together or make an outfit pop.  In what ways do you add pizazz to your home and personal style?  I'd love to hear.
Images are:
"Tricks for Decorating Small Spaces" from Domino Magazine
No. 155 The Star is Key Necklace by Talulu


I've been tagged...

The 8 Random Things "game" has finally caught up with me, thanks to my tagger: Laissezfaire.

So... here are 8 Random Things that ya'll might be interested (or surprised) to know about me.  I'm also supposed to tag 8 more bloggers, but so many of you have probably already done this one that I am giving an open invitation to anyone who would like to play.  If you take me up on it, let me know and I will add a link to your post on here for everyone to see.

No. 1
I am the oldest of 8 children… 7 girls and 1 boy.  My littlest sister is 1 year younger than my daughter… which is a little bit strange, but fun too.

No. 2
My favorite:
Foods/drinks: almond croissants, chai tea lattes, strawberries, and artichokes.
Colors: aqua blue, black, and canary yellow
Movie: Amelie
Music: my current favorites are, Shiny Toy Guns, Blonde Redhead, Tori Amos, and more.

No. 3

I love to sing in my car (and in the shower)… but I don’t like to sing around other people (even though I used to sing in my high school choir).

No. 4
I have an amazing sense of direction, and rarely (never) get lost… but I can NEVER remember street names.  If I were to give you directions they would sound something like: Drive straight until you get to a narrow curve in the road… turn left at the tree that looks like an ice cream cone, drive until you see the library on your right and turn left again at the pink house… etc.

No. 5

Like many artistic people I have struggled with depression to varying degrees throughout my life.  There is a lot of stigma associated with the illness, and even as I’m sharing this now, I worry what many of you may think of me.  In any case, providing assistance to those who suffer from mental illness is something that I hope to do in my lifetime.

No. 6
I’m legally blind without my glasses or contacts.

No. 7

I only wear socks when absolutely necessary… because every single time I put a pair on I inevitably step into something wet.  Wetness and socks do not mix… eek!


I’ll have some exciting news to share with you all in the very near future... (No, I’m not expecting)!

xo ez


Today I Love: 08. 13. 07

...this fabulous Letterpress Art Print (I have it hanging on my living room wall) by Hammerpress, available at the Curiosity Shoppe.
...this quirky little Bird Bling Ring by Blanc & Reed (formerly known as CucumberLab), at Style Scene.


Adored Artist: Miss Capricho

Thank you all for your thoughtful well wishes (and all the kind compliments about my photo too!)... I love you guys!  After a day of rest I'm feeling quite a bit better, and should be completely back to normal within another day or so.
In any case...

I've been admiring the work of artist Miss Capricho for quite some time now, and hope you will love her pieces as much as I do.   I just adore the delicacy of her lines and soft fluidity of colors.  I feel there is something of a sad and wistful longing about each piece.  Wouldn't you just love to see her work applied to textiles, paper, etc.  It seems that there are so many applications that would be suitable for her incredible talent.  What do you think?

For more information about her and how to purchase her work, visit/contact her via her Fotolog Diary.


More than butterflies...

I'm sorry to say that I seem to have caught a stomach bug... a mean one... and I will not have a post for you today.  I'm sorry everyone... I hope you all can understand.
I'll be back again as soon as I can sit (comfortably) long enough to compose something worthwhile.


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