Inspiration Daily: A Pop of Pink
Interior details from an interview with Silke Neumann by Freunde von Freunden - via Emmas Design Blogg (discovered via Anabela on Pinterest)

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Interior details from an interview with Silke Neumann by Freunde von Freunden - via Emmas Design Blogg (discovered via Anabela on Pinterest)
Reader Comments (5)
LOVE LOVE LOVE! Now to break it to my boyfriend that at least one room in our house is gonna rock lumo pink...hehe...*giggles with rueful grin*
LOVE this.
I love pink! It looks delicious!
Wow, never thought of using pink in that way. It looks amazing. Now to convince the boyfriend to let me have a hot pink wall.
ooh, love the pops of pink! and, ha...i do the same with my shoes - take pictures and tape them to the box. makes it easy :]