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Reader Comments (8)
How beautiful....what an amazing bird. I hope you are traveling safely hun..
Oh, lovely. Just, lovely!
Aw, that little bird reminds me of my first pet, a little white and blue birdie name Donald Duck. I was 5 so we'll forgive me for putting "duck" in a parakeet's name. He definitely was my quiet friend.
Hope the move is going well!!
Oh my gosh, he is just beautiful and cute and amazing. I don't think I've ever seen just a perfect lil birdy! Let's design a room around him! He will be the inspiration.. I really might do that, I'll keep you posted!
What a gorgeous little creature! Beautiful photo too. Thank you for sharing it!
so soft and lovely...what a beautiful bird!
What kind of bird is that? So lovely!
We have parrotlets and they look just like this little one. Cute!