In Praise of the Perfect Holiday Card
I love cards and paper goods, but sometimes even the loveliest greetings are still destined for the recycle bin (sad but true). However when I spotted this Merry Christmas Triangular Tree and Full Moon Card in the Wonderland Room etsy shop I realized that it just might be the perfect holiday card (check out her listing to see all the clever uses). This is one Christmas greeting that would be sure to come out for display year after year. Beautiful!

Reader Comments (7)
That is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing such a great find :)
This is absolutely lovely. Now it just needs to be resting on a pillow of fake snow.
So pretty... and after a night of merriment could double as a party hat! ;)
Really, really pretty! What a good idea for a card.
That's pretty!
Absolutely beautiful & very creative. Love it!
Erin ("Daisy Doe")
my all time favourite mass produced christmas card was the one the Scottish Museum of Flight sent out (I worked at another museum at the time, John Muir's Birthplace in Dunbar) the year they acquired a Concorde.
The card was a simple paper aeroplane- Concorde, of course- but when stood on its base (on the 'backs' of the wings with the nose cone pointing in the air) it was also a Christmas Tree. Blimen brilliant. And the paper aeroplane flew really well too, which is important.