Birthday Berries
This past Sunday was my birthday. I would have been fine with it skipping by without a howdy-do, but it insisted upon showing up yet again (it has a way of doing that every year - odd). In any event, it was a pretty ordinary day filled with work and a few crying jags regarding my rapidly dissipating youth, and then my Mom called to invite us over for birthday dinner/celebration.
I really wanted to get out of the house, so we hopped in the car and moseyed the 1.25 hour distance to my parent's house (over the river and through the woods) and got there just as the sun was setting. I must admit, my "party" expectations were rather moderate. It's not that there is anything wrong with my Mom or family (I love you guys), but my Mom is a self-professed "non party planning sort of person," so I didn't want to expect too much.
So imagine my surprise when I walked into a beautifully decorated room with ribbons strung from the ceiling and this beautiful bouquet of winter berries that my Mom had driven all over the back roads looking for earlier that day (insert tear here)! A little later on as we were enjoying a yummy meal my Mom explained that she had stopped by Creature Comforts to "see what colors I was into these days" and happened upon a recent Color Crush post of mine. The ribbons festooning the room in reds and taupes were coordinated with my palette..and honestly I couldn't have been more touched. So family...if you are reading, thanks for the lovely lovely evening full of laughter and fun! I treasure each and every one of you more than I can ever say. xo Ez

Reader Comments (26)
That is so, so sweet! Wishing you a happy belated birthday and a wonderful weekend!
How sweet. Happy late Birthday to you. It always means so much when the people you love go the extra mile to put a smile on your face.
that is so sweet! birthday surprises are always wonderful, but even better when they come from unexpected sources! i'm glad that you had a wonderful time with family!
Happy birthday! That is so heartwarming to hear! You are lucky, you have a wonderful family. Treasure them as they obviously treasure you!! :)
What a wonderful story! Happy belated birthday! Glad it turned out to be wonderful.
that's such a sweet story Ez! Happy Birthday!
How Sweet!
Happy Belated Birthday!
belated happy happy happy birthday to you, EZ!
hey, for what it's worth, i understand what you mean about crying over our dissipating youth. i'm turning older another year next friday, just a couple of years shy from the big 4-0. besides the wrinkles that have formed under my eyes, there are other things i think about -- other pressures such as learning how to make a living (a living that can actually sustain my family) doing something i really love. there is also the issue of dissipating health... anyhoo, i just wanted to say that i can empathize with you and understand.
i also wanted to say that you have made a great impact on my life, Ez. i know we've never met, but you've been a "virtual" mentor to me. i follow all your blogs religiously (personal + better blogging guide) and CC is the first site i visit after checking my email. you've inspired me to improve my blog and help others do the same.
anyway, it's not my intention to write an epic here -- i just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY and i'm glad that you were with your wonderful family that day!
That is so super sweet! Happy belated birthday :)
Ohmigosh, that is so sweet! Your mom is so adorable! Just popping over to wish you a happy birthday!
I love what your mother did for you!
Yeah, as the years go by birthdays are so very much about where we are in our attitude of life. My mother always made a big deal about our birthdays, I did that for my children and husband, and now that I am 50 (yikes!) I've gone through several different personal birthday perspectives. At first expectations were high because of how others made over my special day. Then it was a pronounced marking of the years going by - gulp!
Now I am at the place where I make the day special for myself by either throwing a dinner party, or take a favorite person to lunch, or reserve a special book to read, paperdolls to cut out or other special ME activity - all with the simple idea of celebrating the day I started this journey.
I really love what your mother did for your birthday this year. Yes, you are fortunate to have such a loving person in your life. Happy Birthday!
Awww, how sweet. Thank you for sharing this, I really enjoyed reading this post. Oh, and, Happy Birthday!
very sweet :) happy belated.
happy belated birthday!! stunning and wonderful photo!!
Happy belated Birthday to both of us. Last week was my Birthday too, your mom was so thoughtful to check out your blog and organized the party. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. What a sweet surprise party. My family are 1,000 mile from so it was just me, my husband and a candle light and that's sweet too.
Happy belated birthday from a fellow Sag (a few days and a lotta years earlier than you!) The year will be bright thanks to your blog.
Happy Belated! What a thoughtful birthday celebration it sounds to have been. I love the winterberry photo too!
Happy belated! Such a sweet story, what a lovely gesture from your mom. i have hit 41 and i am still shocked by the number and how quickly everything is zipping by. Sweet gestures from loved ones help ease the birthday blues!
Your mum sounds a trooper. I like her. Happy birthday.
Ez Happy Belated Sweet Birthday to you!
I am 100% sure yours would be packed filled with laughter, fun and gorgeous colours!!
What your mother secretly did behind you was even beyond being sweet-- so very touching and caring, and ...touching....indeed
happy belated birthday to SUKI upstairs too. May all your wishes come true xoxo
That is so sweet!! Happy belated birthday!!
How thoughtful of your mother. Wishing you another year of lovely surprises.
I just wanted to thank each one of you so much for your lovely comments and sweet birthday wishes! They mean the world to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you! xo Ez
what a lovely surprise for you! i'd love to do something like that for a loved one some day.
(my birthday is the same day!)
oh, i hope you had happy, happy birthday!