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Birthday Berries

This past Sunday was my birthday. I would have been fine with it skipping by without a howdy-do, but it insisted upon showing up yet again (it has a way of doing that every year - odd). In any event, it was a pretty ordinary day filled with work and a few crying jags regarding my rapidly dissipating youth, and then my Mom called to invite us over for birthday dinner/celebration.

I really wanted to get out of the house, so we hopped in the car and moseyed the 1.25 hour distance to my parent's house (over the river and through the woods) and got there just as the sun was setting. I must admit, my "party" expectations were rather moderate. It's not that there is anything wrong with my Mom or family (I love you guys), but my Mom is a self-professed "non party planning sort of person," so I didn't want to expect too much.

So imagine my surprise when I walked into a beautifully decorated room with ribbons strung from the ceiling and this beautiful bouquet of winter berries that my Mom had driven all over the back roads looking for earlier that day (insert tear here)! A little later on as we were enjoying a yummy meal my Mom explained that she had stopped by Creature Comforts to "see what colors I was into these days" and happened upon a recent Color Crush post of mine. The ribbons festooning the room in reds and taupes were coordinated with my palette..and honestly I couldn't have been more touched. So family...if you are reading, thanks for the lovely lovely evening full of laughter and fun! I treasure each and every one of you more than I can ever say. xo Ez

Reader Comments (26)

Happy belated birthday!!

December 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTali Schiffer

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