DIY: Paint Pen Pumpkins
If you're looking to switch things up a bit this Halloween or are just plain tired of trips to the Urgent Care every time pumpkin carving season comes around then you've got to check out the simple and lovely DIY Paint Pen Pumpkins created by Brittni (papernstitch blog). I love how the gold and silver ink looks on her mini white pumpkins and am definitely planning to try this project out over the coming weekend. Hop on over to Papernstitch for the how-to. xo Ez

Reader Comments (11)
Such a great idea!!!
such a cute idea. i love the white pumpkins.
very cute! I definitely prefer this kind of pumpkin decorating over carving!
Beautiful I'm going to share it in my face ;)
How stylish! I want to make some and leave them up as far into winter as they'll survive... the colors are so snowy!
i love this! heading over to the pumpkin patch this weekend, and so it's good that i saw this:)
SOOOOO Pretty!
really pretty !!
just what i needed ! thanks x
What a brilliant idea!
Thank you so much Ez for linking to my painted pumpkins. And to everyone who has commented. What a treat. I do painted pumpkins every year now,. And its gotten to the point where my husband said this year there is no need to pick up big ones anymore, since he knows there is no chance that I am going to carve it. :)