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Entries in color purple (129)


Color Inspiration Daily: 03. 28. 12


Color Inspiration Daily: 03. 23. 12

1. Easter table decoration from Rebecca Le Feuvre, 2. Tapes from Sarah McNeil, 3. 126 from Carrie aka All the Rage, 4. Untitled from Elina Nilsson


Overcoming Blogger's Block: Step 1

So yesterday I hopped on twitter and made a confession: I've been having a horrible case of the dreaded bloggers block lately. You've probably experienced the feeling too in one way or another (even if you're not a blogger)...maybe you were stuck while trying to write an important paper, needed to draw something brilliant and could only muster a half-hearted stick figure, or just stared in the fridge listlessly and realized that you have no idea what you're looking for in there (err...I mean, no idea what to cook for supper). Whatever the type of block may be, when it parks itself in your brain, it's no fun. Am I right, or am I right?

In any case, I received some incredibly lovely supportive tweets and several suggestions for breaking through the block. The main ones were:

  1. get away from the computer
  2. go outside
  3. take some photos

Excellent I did all three. To be honest I really just decided to leave the house so that I'd be doing something other than staring at a blank screen and fighting off tears of frustration, but you know what...after the first couple photos I started to feel world's better. So my blogger's block isn't completely gone, but at least I had a lovely evening and can share a little bit of that with you here today. Step 1: Get a change of scenery - completed!

Next up, Overcoming Blogger's Block: Step 2 - not sure what that is yet, but I'll keep you posted. xo Ez


Color Inspiration Daily: 03. 22. 12

May Pole Original Painting by Jennifer Davis. See more of her work in her shop and portfolio.


Color Inspiration Daily: 03. 20. 12

Awesome pattern design by Ashley Goldberg. Wouldn't you love to see this in a textile application? I think it would make an amazing print for a bathing suit or sundress. This print and others are available for by all means, get in touch with Ashley if you're interested.

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