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Pinterest Pros: Set No.10

Happy November friends! I can't believe it's here already, can you?!

Today's collection of pinners should give you plenty to repin and be inspired by (at least that's my hope). I'm rather fond of them myself. If you're looking for past Pinterest Pros sets, you will find them here.

Oh...and I have an exciting announcement coming up in just a bit, so I hope you stop back over for that. And don't forget that next week the Creature Comforts Holiday Gift Guide Series will be launching! Woohoo! You're not going to want to miss it.

I hope you have a great weekend ahead of you friends. xo Ez

Minna So: pin | pin | pin | Recommended board to follow: Pretty Photos / Photography

Julia Suter: pin | pin | pin | Recommended board to follow: Interior

Hannah Ferrara: pin | pin | pin | Recommended board to follow: Wanderlust + Living


Color Inspiration Daily: 11. 02. 12r


November 2012 Calendar Download

Hello again friends! I'm so glad the site is still up. I've been scurrying to create the November calendar download for you. All you have to do is click on the image (your download will start right away), print the sheet onto cardstock paper, trim along the grey outer lines (if desired), and hang. Remember you can also print out extras to cut out and send as postcards in the mail. It's the perfect season to send a little gratitude to someone special who's made your life easier this year...don't you agree?! Enjoy! xo Ez

P.S. You can find all the past calendar downloads here.


One Good Thing: A Modern DIY Advent Calendar

Now that Halloween is over it feels safe to finally venture over into Holiday preparation mode. I know we still have quite a bit of time left before the big day, but a little bit of early preparation might actually result in a stress-free holiday this year. One can dream, right?!

Anyhow...with the holiday gift guides just around the corner (next week to be exact) it seemed like the perfect time to share my first favorite find for the holiday season. A Modern DIY Advent Calendar by Weekend Carnival (bonus: she includes free printable numbers along with her DIY). I hope you enjoy! xo Ez


Color Inspiration Daily: 11. 01. 12

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