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Last Week's Trip + This Past Weekend in Photos

Since I've been virtually gone since last week, I thought I'd share a few extra Instagram photos today starting with my trip to San Francisco, then my quick vacation in Colorado, and finally this past weekend. I missed you all while I was away and am looking forward to a new week of blogging. Thanks for stopping by today! xo Ez

1. My flight to San Francisco was a long one (because of a hefty airport delay), so I was doubly excited to see this gorgeous bed waiting for me at the Hotel Vitale when I arrived at last.

2. The next morning (after a great night of sleep in that awesome bed) a group of 25 bloggers convened at The Bold Italic for a day of fun with the team. More about that on my blog soon.

3. One of the treats of the event was a gorgeous framed silkscreen print that they let me pick out. I should have had someone stand near it for's deceptively large (in a good way of course)!

4. The one downside of the day was the inferno-spicy sandwiches that they served us for lunch (holy moley). After the initial shock, watery eyes, and burning subsided, I grabbed a heaping pile of macaroons and made myself a meal of them instead. Not too shabby!

5. Later that night we ate a delicious meal at the Bluxome Street Winery, prepared for us by Stag Dining Group. Here I am with my beautiful friend Christine (photo snagged from her instagram feed — she's @milestostyle if you'd like to follow her).

6. It was just a quick day and a half long trip and then I had to say farewell to the always beautiful San Francisco. Crossing my fingers that I can go back again soon!

1. On Saturday I flew into Colorado to pick up my daughter from camp and meet my Mom, youngest sister, and brother for our weekend vacation. Unfortunately my little one was feeling under the weather, so we piled into the car and drove through the Rockies to our destination as quickly as we could.

2. We spent most of our trip at the Glenwood Hot Springs (the largest hot springs in the world), and enjoyed it immensely.

3. There was so much natural beauty to see everywhere you looked...

4. ...and some gorgeous manmade beauty as well. This is a mural that I spotted in an alleyway in Glenwood Springs, CO.

5. On Tuesday we said goodbye to lovely Colorado and started our long drive home.

6. The miles kept rolling by...and I amused myself (for a day and a half) by taking photos of the passing scenery.

1. On Wednesday we finally made it back to Oklahoma! I don't know if I've ever been so happy to drive my own car and shop in my own grocery store before. I guess there really is nothing quite like the creature comforts of home!

2. Unfortunately throughout our entire trip my poor daughter was really under the weather (we took her to a doctor while in CO to try to get her feeling better), but since she was still miserable on Thursday, I took her in to a doctor in our town.

3. The doctor on Thursday ended up being a nutter, so on Friday I took her in to see her regular doctor. She was a trooper getting some blood drawn, and we're hoping for nothing but good news when the results come back today or tomorrow.

4. Later that day my throat started acting up, so I guzzled lemon honey "tea" like it was going out of style and by the next morning I was feeling a bit better (thanks goodness).

5. We took the rest of the weekend to rest (all of us)...

6. ...and eat some delicious berries. Yum! There's nothing quite like nutritious fresh food after you've been on the road for days!

If you're not already following me on Instagram and want to, you can find me under username: creaturecomforts.

Reader Comments (9)

I enjoyed all your pictures! Those berries look yummy... I've been stocking up on them lately also, but I don't remember mine being that red. : ) Hope your daughter feels better soon!

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter~April~

Never a dull moment....from biting into a luscious berry to tapping your anxious foot at the dr.'s...
Sounds like home is a good place to be.

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnnOnandOn

I hope your daughter is feeling better! So happy for you AND you look very slim Miss Ez!

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMiss B.

Hoping your daughter feels better soon. What a pretty mural & I love lemon honey tea.

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSabine

What a fun whirlwind trip, Ez! Always so much fun to go bopping around but it always feels SO good to be home, huh? Hope the little one is feeling tons better. :) xo

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Beefy

Oh, what a fabulous trip! And you're so lucky to have been gone during our hottest week yet. Oh Oklahoma...why are we baking again? These pics are great! I'd love to see the west coast myself!

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Your poor little girl--hope she's feeling better by now! At least it looks like you both had a wonderful time last week and saw so many beautiful places!

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Only you can make pictures of a trip to to the doctor's office look fun.

July 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAspiring Kennedy

I love the "You are my sunshine" quote. :-)

Hope everyone's feeling better there! Your trip looks like it was a lot of fun.

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