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My Weekend in Photos: June 15-17

Hi friends! Did you all have a fun weekend? For some reason I imagined that I'd have loads of free time on my hands (no idea where that idea came from) but it the entire thing was packed full of important errands and tasks to do to get my daughter ready for her week-long Summer camp. Oh well. It was still spotted with lovely little bits to appreciate. Here are a few of my weekend moments as shared on Instagram.

1. I framed and hung up my beautiful Be Brave poster from Jess Constable in my living room. It's a great thing to look at every time I walk in the front door or get ready to leave.

2. I baked up a batch of our favorite cookies to send on the airplane with my daughter today. In my scatterbrained state I forgot the flattening step before baking, but fortunately they still tasted good.

3. Freshly picked berries are one of my most favorite things...ever, and my mom was sweet enough to share some of the bounty from her garden with me. I honestly have no idea how she manages to grow anything in our crazy Oklahoma weather...she's amazing!

4. Just one week until I'll be wearing my new bathing suit. It's the first one-piece I've ever been excited to wear! P.S. I couldn't find it online to link to, but incase you're interested, it's by 2Bamboo and I found it at Macy's.

5. I dropped my daughter off at the airport this morning for her trip to camp. This week will be the longest time I've spent away from her! The house feels all echoey and too quiet with her gone, and I already can't wait to meet up with her next weekend in Colorado for a mini vacation before we head home again. There might be a few tears shed this week (on my end...I'm sure she'll be off having the time of her life).

6. I have a stack of mini doodles (each character is only about 2 inches tall) sitting on my desk and it seemed like a fair time to introduce two of them. The little lad on the left is by far my favorite with his jaunty little cap and old-school strong man's leotard. Do you doodle when you're on the phone, stressed out, or just trying to pass the time too? It's something I've done since I was a kid (it always drove my parents and teachers crazy)!

If you're not already following me on Instagram and want to, you can find me under username: creaturecomforts. I hope to see you on there!

Reader Comments (9)

It's ok to cry, she's your baby and she's growing up. I felt the same way when my daughter was 10 and taking her first solo airplane ride. Now that she is 17.5 I look forward to the weekends when she is away from home. No yelling or door slamming. LOL. Raising a teenage daughter alone is a LOT of work. And yes, I do doodle when I am happy, bored, stressed. I usually doodle cupcakes and rainbows, O and I write my name in every direction! :D Look your instagrams!

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterC.D. Beatrice Clay

It looks like you had a good weekend! I know you'll miss your daughter, but enjoy your quiet time:)

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBobbi

I love your swimming costume! Hope you get to debut it somewhere nice next week :)

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlison

Can I just ask when you purchased that bathing suit? does not have it. I will venture into a store if you purchased it recently.


June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Thanks so much sweet friends! xox Ez

June 19, 2012 | Registered CommenterEz

Jen, I purchased the bathing suit about 1 month ago. I hope they still have one in stock for you. xo Ez

June 19, 2012 | Registered CommenterEz

It is so wonderful to see the Be Brave poster and know that it is in your home. You are such an inspiration!! : )

Have a great day!

June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess LC

love the airport shot! wow! and aww, it's gonna be so awesome to see your daughter for your mini-vacation...but good for you for being a superfun mum and sending her to camp. :)

ps. strongman bear looks like he'd be crazy fun at a party...!

June 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterindreams

Chello! Do you sell those little doodles?! I'm planning for a nursery and I love those! Seriously, think about selling those little critters and let me know. ;)

July 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJonna

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