Inspired By: Lucille Michieli
I follow Lucille Michieli on Pinterest, and that is exactly how I discovered what a talent she is. She creates the most charming illustrations (I actually featured one here on CC last year), and she has also shared a few ever-so inspiring DIY tutorials and other beautiful handmade projects (such as this charming DIY Leather Peter Pan Style Collar) on her blog.
I got in touch with Lucille recently to find out whether the pieces in her shop are available Internationally or not, and she said "yes." Hooray! I've been eyeing one of her screenprinted books for a while now, and am hoping that maybe I can convince her to list more of her lovely illustrations for sale too. Pretty please Lucille!

Reader Comments (4)
We love that leather collar!
LOVE this introduction to Lucille's work! It's great! But, I have to admit that when I first spotted this post I didn't see a 'fox mask' but, rather, an eclectic bikini top with *very oddly placed* holes. Whew! ;)
I LOVE that fox mask. So cute!
Lucille so talented. I've got the DIY collar on my to do list.