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Color Inspiration Daily: 02. 01. 12

I know it might be a bit premature, but I'm so wishing it looked like this outside my window right now. Blooming photographed by Sarah J. Fuller

Reader Comments (10)

I definitely wish for that too!
Instead Europe's suddenly in the grip of the frost queen...
Oh well... we'll just have to wait.

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpilli pilli

so do I!!! looks like it will take a couple more months, tho. it's freezing in my little part of the world right now...

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpetra

Unfortunately, it does look like that out our windows ... poor plants are very confused by the mild almost non-winter the South is having.

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

beautiful colors :) Look forward to your Color Inspiration every day :)

February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Thought I'd share a photo of a card I made using your beautiful inspiration piece today...thank you so much for the beautiful things you have on your blog!

February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterValarie Florer

Just gorgeous! I love this sort of photography.

February 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Oddly enough, it isn't too soon this year....even the trees in utah have buds!
This color palette is perfect, and these are the guiding colors for so many of my weddings coming up this year.

February 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Winward

Wow - this photograph is just incredible. Well taken!!

February 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKate

do u know the paint names of the the colors above? I want to use these colors combinations in my living room. gorgeous colors! :)

January 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMindy

Hi Mindy! Unfortunately these are just color swatches created in Photoshop, and not actual paint colors. However you may be able to ask a paint specialist to match the colors by showing them the above image on your phone or iPad. Best of luck to you. -Ez

January 20, 2013 | Registered CommenterEz

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