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A Messy 3-Twist Hairstyle Tutorial

The internet is awesome! I know you already know this, but I couldn't help but marvel at it once again when I received an email from Destri yesterday sharing this awesome 3-twist hairstyling tutorial with me. You see, a couple weeks ago I had repinned a pretty hairstyle photo on Pinterest, adding beneath it that I wished that I could learn how to recreate the look somehow. Well Destri spotted my pin and said she'd be happy to create a tutorial for it. And now...just a short time later I have the directions at my very fingertips! Love it! Thank you so much Destri. Pop over to The Mother Huddle for the full hairstyling tutorial. It sounds like she is gearing up to create more in the future be sure to keep her on your radar. xo Ez

Reader Comments (3)

This is so neat but I highly doubt mine would come out looking like this. Sigh

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

If only I still have long hair...

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoy

Always wanted to know how to do this!

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRidgely's Radar

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