The Snowstorm of 2011
So it happened. We were hit with a big winter snowstorm a few days ago, that dumped 20" of snow overnight, and we've been snowed-in since. The snow itself isn't really the problem, so much as the fact that Oklahoma never sees this magnitude of snow, so they are ill-prepared for it (not enough equipment or resources to move it around). Only major roads are being worked on currently and that means residential streets like mine are still impassable. It is kind of an odd feeling knowing that you can't drive anywhere (even though my neighbors so kindly shoveled my driveway without me even asking—all 20" of snow worth), and cabin fever has started to set in (especially for my daughter). So When the sun finally peeked through yesterday we decided to venture out into the snow-blanketed world for a little adventure (and to see if there were any shops open - only one was). Here are a few of the photos from our lovely walk (despite the fact that it was only 16 degrees out):
Has this storm effected you too? I know so many of us here in the U.S. were hit hard. I hope that you are safe and warm wherever you are and that the weekend will bring sunshine to your neck of the woods. And speaking of coziness...I'll be sharing a super yummy soup recipe later today, so I hope you'll come back in just a little bit for that. xox Ez
Signs that Spring really will come again...I hope!

Reader Comments (16)
Beautiful photos!
Lovely photos! We unfortunately dont get many snow days. Minnesota is almost always ready to be hit with this kind of storm. You kinda just have to tough it out here.
Gorgeous photos Ez... I'm glad you're both safe and warm and can appreciate the snow just a wee bit... :)
I know what you mean about living in a place that is ill prepared for such weather... we didn't have nearly so much snow this winter as you've got now but with temps at -16 centigrade it all turned to solid ice! Virtually the whole country shut down and became such a joke!
Anyhoo, have a lovely weekend,
Emma, x
Oh, my!
I can't imagine what you "northerners" are going through. Images of all these snow storms (like yours above) are the reason I'm a Florida girl.
Good luck braving the cold.
We had the same problem in the UK just before Christmas, no-one was prepared for it and although fun for a day or two after a week off work I was going crazy! Thanks for sharing your pretty pics of the snow though, it certainly does look lovely in the sunlight :)
wow! what a storm!
and, your daughter is a mini-you! how darling!
beautiful pictures. i too, was snowed in. we were on snow day 7 yesterday. but thankfully here in kansas city, we are used to this...well not the extent of this storm. but we're in school today! happy 100th day of school!
Such sweet photos! Looks like you two had lots of fun.
It snowed here about a week ago, and not too much really, but the temps here have been record lows, like -20 in the middle of the day. I have NEVER experienced such cold. It was like that for 3 days in a row, but thankfully we are on the positive side of the thermometer today.
Pretty photos! I can't say I miss the cold too much since we've moved to the coast!
My city closes if we get 5 inches of snow! I cannot even imagine 20 inches! Although last winter i was snowed in for 3 days with a sick six month old baby and i went about bonkers. never agian will i let that happen!!!!
These are so beautiful and serene. I'm in Chicago, so I went out taking photos, but it was already quite dirty in most of the city by Wednesday afternoon.
Luckily, I live a block from public transit, since my car is parked in our alley spot. I don't know when we'll be able to take it out again!
Glad that you're keeping safe and warm.
We were hit with about 20" too, add the drift and everything became a total nightmare. I spent three days at home and thought I was going to lose my mind. Went back to work and now have so much to catch up on. I am just thankful we had power, food and heat. Times like these when we remember how fortunate we all are. Hope you guys can dig yourselves out soon! Also - the photos of your walk are so pretty. If only everything could look that serene and not be wet, cold and icy :)
wow, i had no idea you were from oklahoma. i live in tulsa, and it's been completely crazy (and fun). i haven't been at my job in almost an entire week, which was nice. heh.. wonderful pictures!!
Gorgeous pictures!!!
Unfortunately we haven't seen much snow this year around here in Madrid!!!
Gorgeous photos!
your daughter is beautiful! She looks like she's having so much fun.
The snow skipped us here in Kentucky. We had oddly warm temperatures and rain--but then we got some snow today. We live in the middle of a really odd weather system.