Inspiration Daily: 02. 10. 11
Image credits: 1. berried icebox cake, 2. Live Now collaboration, 3. пух, 4. Wrapped Eastcape Soap Co. soaps

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Image credits: 1. berried icebox cake, 2. Live Now collaboration, 3. пух, 4. Wrapped Eastcape Soap Co. soaps
Reader Comments (4)
Lovely... :) x
True happiness is reading your blog which is like a breath of fresh air! I mean that!
Thank you so much for the link, Ez! It's funny because you reminded me to check in on the project, which has been turned into a book, and it's now available for pre-order! I had no idea, d'oh. (I hate people who put links in comments, but just in case anyone is interested, I make no money from it:)
What a beautiful color palette! I've been deliberating over what other colors to bring into a bathroom I've been fixing up. It already has the grey-blue from the far right on the walls, and the center creamy tone is similar to a major one in the tile. I'm thinking a blue on blue toned bathroom with cream and a splash of medium-dark wood might be just the thing. Thanks for the inspiration!