Can't Stop Watching:
I don't post videos very often, but I so enjoyed watching the creative process for this art piece by artists Supakitch and Koralie (I think I viewed it at least 10 times) that I thought you might too.
{photo from Damien Elroy Vignaux - Elroy}
It just gets more and more awesome as it progresses (in my humble opinion). I just love seeing each small detail take shape in the larger piece. Amazing. xo Ez
Artist representation by One Louder.Agency | Video shot by Damien Elroy Vignaux (more photos can be seen on his flickr page) - Elroy (you have to see all the awesome project they've done on their site) | Music by D*L*i*d

Reader Comments (16)
I'm amazed at their precision with the paintbrushes! wow!
Amazing, indeed! I could sit and watch that sort of footage for hours and hours. Love it!
Wow...that was fantastic!
Wow! Awesome!
That was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing, Ez! I can't believe that was all by hand... wowza!! Do you know what this was for? Where they painted this and such?
Ohmigosh, that was INCREDIBLE. Thank you for sharing!
Wow. I'm in awe. I can't believe how steady their hands are. I am seriously blown away. Thanks so much for sharing.
i love watching the progress of one's artwork- i think that's one of the most interesting parts of a piece for me, how it was created and watching it transform. really nice video, i appreciated that it was simple, and there were no words, only process. nice find ez, thanks for posting :)
AMAZING! Loved this, just blew my mind. Watching artists create is so very intriguing, mesmerizing....I agree, I couldn't stop watching...
whaou! how many hours?? and they seems so fluent in what they are doing.
Thanks for sharing
I'm of to see it once again!
WOWOWOW! Amazing talent - their freehand work is so crisp!
I've got a blank wall in my office - do you think they'd come over & paint it? :)
Wow. Amazeballs.
their attention to detail is amazing. their work seems flawless
That video blew my mind! The details are so amazing
Love it so much detail and such clean lines.... Loved it so much I reposted on fb!
awesome!! i might have to repost too, something like this should be shared with many x