Inspiration Daily: 12. 01. 10
Image credits: 1. holiday weekend, 2. Untitled, 3. pink house, 4. Be sharp

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Image credits: 1. holiday weekend, 2. Untitled, 3. pink house, 4. Be sharp
Reader Comments (8)
I like the colors. So feminine as well as sweet.
I love that colour scheme - very gentle and fresh...
I love these have such an eye Ez, thank you for sharing with us. xo
Love those wooden blocks, color palette perfection on this one!!!
gorgeous colours today, and not ones i 'like'!
Thanks everyone! I'm glad you are liking this palette as much as I do. It's nice to have a healthy pop of pink every once in a while...don't you think?! xo Ez
So nice,
thank you for that inspiring note
So beautiful! I love those colors together!