More Madewell Goodness
I'm here to beat the Madewell drum again today... This isn't even a product spotlight so much as a virtual happy dance for their gorgeous holiday gift guide layouts.
Eep! I just love it all too much for words (except for maybe the stuffed bear head - that part I could do without). Pop on over to check it out and then we can do a merry happy dance together.

Reader Comments (10)
madewell makes me happy!
I'm jonesin' over their newest jeans - the High Riser. Still need to try a pair on at the mall, but I'm pretty sure I'll like'em :)
If anyone asks me what I want for Christmas I'm just going to answer Madewell, I pretty much love everything.
That dress, OH, that dress. I LOVE it.
I'm also LOVING the yellow dress!
Oh Madewell! Why are you so tempting?? amazing! madewell excites me!
Madewell should change their name to Madeawesome
Mmmm, love their styling, as I love the blog, the MAGAZINE - wow! It's been far too long - you're doing amazing things my dear!
Just discovered this while researching some Madewell offerings on ebay. Unfortunately my potential purchase wasn't in this shot but one of the sweaters shown here is for sale:
Thought I would share in case anyone else is getting their Madwell via ebay :)