Inspired By: Photographer Amanda Pratt
Photographer Amanda Pratt (managed by Kate Ryan Inc.) Be sure to click on the "Portfolio" link to see more of her work.
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Photographer Amanda Pratt (managed by Kate Ryan Inc.) Be sure to click on the "Portfolio" link to see more of her work.
Reader Comments (18)
Love the color palette! Her portfolio is really cool too, some of the most unique ideas!
Oh, I can see why! How fantastic and whimsical, I love these photos!
so much gorgeousness! these images make me smile... thanks 4 sharing.
Ooh la la!!!
Such fun & colorful images - great find!
How gorgeous! I love how light they are.
These are impeccably styled!
Oh man. does anyone have any idea where I could find an inflateable giraffe? or those heart tights?
what fun!! i love her photo's and the styling is perfect!
Wonderful find, loving these pics and styling:)
Gorgeous! Love the colors, the tights and the giraffe!
i neeeeed those heart tights!! why is it i can't find any like that anywhere??
These pictures are absolutely fabulous! I can't believe it, it's just amazing! You made my day!
Oh she's so cute kissing that giraffe!! I like :)
Amanda Pratt is so amazing. I'm so glad you introduced me to her work. You have such an amazing eye. Thank you.
Oh wow, today is the second time I see someone in blogland wearing blouses I have. One was Elsa Mora and now here! I simply love my blouse (model with black hat). Cool!
Great photos and fun styling!
I love her work!
Gorgeous pics! Love the use of colour & light:)