{an old photo of our Stella}
Hello lovelies! I am so happy to be able to report good news to you all about our sweet Stella. Today she is at home recuperating after having two teeth extracted. The teeth it seems, were abscessed and causing a major infection in her eye. The vet said that we did the right thing by bringing her in right away as a progression of the infection could have had serious consequences.
I also must thank each and every one of you for the support and healing thoughts you sent our way. I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to us. Your kindness really carried us through. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And finally I want to send out a virtual hug to those of you who shared stories of a recent loss of a beloved pet. Each one of you are in my thoughts, and I hope that time will lessen your pain and bring you only happy memories of the precious time you had with your special furry family members. xox Ez
Reader Comments (45)
There hasn't been many happy endings for dogs around here in the last couple of weeks, so it's nice to hear that Stella's ok :)
Yeah for Stella!!!!
BTW, she looks just like my mom's dog Lizzie, and has the same name as my sister's dog, Stella.
~Take Care