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Inspired Artist: Taki Bibelas

Hello lovely Lovelies!  How was your weekend?  Can you believe it's August already!
My daughter and I spent some time at the local pool, baked and ate way too many cookies, and spent the rest of the time attempting to avoid the 100+ degree weather outside.  Thanks for coming by today!  I'm excited to share a couple of fun things with you all this week:


  • Tomorrow there will be a new freebie for download!


  • I've finally begun working on the Art and Crafty Blog Link Gallery (not even close to complete) but you can check out my progress so far (in the left hand column).  I'll be adding to it slowly but surely, so if you don't see your link up just yet... not to worry.



But for now... the gorgeous photographic work of Taki Bibelas has my heart all in a flutter.  To see much more, click here. 

Reader Comments (5)

Had a great weekend thank you. Went out and about in between all the rain we had!!!!
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranne
Wow, so many fun things! Can we just talk about your cool styling in the first photo? I love it!xoMelis
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermelissa de la Fuente
Thanks Melissa!I had so much fun with it! Nothing is actually real. Well they are real, just not actually all together on a desk top. Each item was individually photographed and then layered on in photoshop to give the appearance of a tabletop. Fun!

Thanks for the sweet comment!xoxEz
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEz
If you're trading craft blog links, I would love to be included!
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
Ez, your Photoshop work is stellar! Loved the scattered items on the desk. {Oh, and Taki Bibelas' photographs are beautiful.}
August 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthis is glamorous

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