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D.I.Y. Eco-Happy Pom Pom Gift Topper

Last Holiday season I became obsessed with making yarn pom poms.  They are perfect as garlands, ornaments, gift toppers, and more! 
Today I am super excited to share a cool twist on the standard pom pom (I dreamt this up while driving the other day)... plastic grocery bag pom pom gift toppers

I know.... it sounds crazy.  But what better way to reuse something as benign as a grocery bag, then to give it new life by turning it into something fabulous for adorning your holiday gifts!

If you are not familiar with the basic steps to creating a pom pom, then first check out this short video I found on YouTube.  Disregard the scruffiness of the end result... and the fact that she is using yarn.  It is only the process that you will need to be familiar with.

Okay... here you go:

You will need: * 1 plastic grocery bag (per pom pom) * pair of sharp scissors * 5-10 minutes of free time *

Step 1. Lay your shopping bag flat and cut both handles off.  Set handles aside for later.  Cut the bottom off of your bag.  Cut just enough so that you are left with a tube of plastic (open at both ends).  Open your bag and cut down both of the side seams (this will create two squares of plastic).

Step 2. Starting at one edge, cut around your plastic square in a continuous line (as shown in the picture).  Don't worry about making it super straight or even.  Repeat with your second plastic square.  You will end up with two long strips of plastic (they will be all crooked... but that's okay).

Step 3.  Starting with one of the strips (I chose the white plastic first so that the red would stand out at the end.  Yours will look differently depending upon what your bag looks like), begin wrapping the plastic around four of your fingers using your thumb to keep it steady as you wrap it around. (see photo).  Repeat with your last plastic strip.

Step 4. Carefully tie one of the handles (that you cut off in step one), around the entire bundle of plastic securing with a double knot.  You may want to knot it more than one time.  The ends of the plastic handle that you used to tie your bundle with will be hanging loose.  Do not cut these.

Step 5.  Take your scissors (the sharper and pointier the better) and cut through the loops that were formed when you wrapped the plastic around your hand.  These might be hard to see and will probably be all bunched together at this point.  (if this step is not making sense, refer to the video I link to above.  It's easier to see with yarn).

Step 6 + 7. Once all the loops have been cut, grasp the two long ends (that you didn't cut because you followed the instruction above) in one of your hands.  Gently shake your pom pom to fluff it up a bit.  You can also use your other hand to re-arrange things to your liking.  You may like the untamed version at this point... which means you can stop now.  Or if you want something a little more groomed, begin cutting around your pom pom with your scissors (give it a haircut)... trimming any pieces that stick out or that make it lopsided.

Step 8. Once you have it trimmed to your liking you are done!  Yay!  You can tie pom poms to your gifts using the two long pieces that you left uncut.  Or trim the long ends and string a bunch of these together for a garland or attach them to a wreath form for some festive decor!

Eco-bonus: Try wrapping smaller gifts in the paper from brown grocery bags!

Coming up next... the first installment of the Creature Comforts' Holiday Gift Guide! xo Ez

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Reader Comments (88)

Great idea!

June 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSewDelish
Hey! this is pretty good stuff. I love it. as everyone said. this is cool. just a ordinary plastic bag turns into useful things. you did a nice work. i wish there's a video on how to make it. i will definitely try this.keep it up!

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGift Philippines
Great ideas, thank you.
August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLora
Hi Ez -

Thank you for the clear tutorial! I tried it out and wrote about it here:

I'm excited to use this technique for future gifts!Charissa

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCharissa
great tutorial, I gave it a whirl and posted my results here:

- Emily of Candy Calamity
August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
This is such a cute idea! Love Love Love it!


Fantastic idea!

November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary @ Life on 19th

I loved this little pom pom so much, I used the idea for my light-up bow made from saran wrap. I hope you like it!

December 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlison

What a fantastic idea! I can't wait to try this.

You're a genius!

August 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

This is genius!! So pretty!!!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaisi

Thanks so much for posting this tutorial!!! I just started a gift wrapping blog hop for the month on Dec. on every Wednesday. Today I posted my version of this target flower, but I mentioned that I followed your tutorial and linked back to your blog. Thanks!

November 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBetsy @ Romance on a Dime

nice work and gifts..-)

February 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterpete

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