From time to time Creature Comforts may include affiliate links to products featured in their posts and/or affiliate banner ads. However posts and featured products seen on Creature Comforts are never controlled or selected by advertisers or affiliates. Featured items are products that we personally like, and would share regardless of affiliate partnerships. If you choose to purchase an item that has been featured from an affiliate link or ad banner, we may receive a small commission on that sale.
{photo by me}
Hi lovelies! I just wanted to let you all know that Typepad went down for a while last night as I was writing my posts for you, so I'm a bit behind now and will have them up for you a.s.a.p. Thanks for your patience. xox Ez
Reader Comments (14)
Happy Friday!
I am painting my bedroom walls yellow and I think this hot pink apple would look FANTASTIC framed.