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Piksi Style

Sometimes you come across someone in your daily life who epitomizes your ideals of what it means to live with style and poise.  Piksi on Flickr is such a person to me.  I hope that she won't be terribly uncomfortable to discover my praise of her here today, but I can't help but go a little bit gaga for her talent of pulling together the most exquisite outfits with a seemingly effortless knack (I also love how she notes sources for every look).

I love the pieces that Piksi chooses... each with a playful nod to bygone eras without ever looking costumey or contrived.  She also accessories her looks flawlessly!  Look at her shoes!!!

I hope that you find as much inspiration through Piksi as I do.  She proves that you can be smart and look pretty too (she's studying to become a veterinarian).  No matter who you are, what job you have, or whether you have an expendable income or not.... there's always room to add some style into your life.

Reader Comments (26)

I have also been admiring her style and photostream for some time now. *loves* I love how you put that post together.
October 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHolly Neufeld

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