Inspired by my friend Nichole's gorgeous new book Paris in Color (for which she strolled the streets of Paris hunting down and photographing scenes infused with one predominate color—she covers ten gorgeous hues inside the book's pages), I decided to take a little saunter of my own through the image archives on my computer. The sheer volume of images is overwhelming, but as Nichole mentioned in her book, narrowing your focus down to just one color allows images to rise to the surface that might otherwise be overlooked.
So I ended up selecting my favorite color, aqua (no big shocker there) and had so much fun rediscovering old images that I'd long since forgotten about. I think it's a great exercise, and one that I highly encourage you to take as well. Don't you want to join in the fun?! What color will you start with?
All images by Ez Pudewa (that's me)