A collective cheer was recently heard round blogosphere (and I'm adding my voice today) when the shuttered-and-very-much-missed Domino Magazine announced that they would be publishing a few special issues. The first one hit newsstands this month, and I thought I'd share a few peeks inside my copy with you (you're going to have to snag your own copy to see the rest).
Yes, it might cover stories that they've already published in their old issues, but there is still plenty to love...from the gorgeous typography:
...to small details like these "I heart this" bookmarking corners (the most charming thing ever):
Here's a peek at just one corner that I organized in my office after reading the issue once through. It might not be Domino-worthy, but it looks a lot nicer now than it did before:
Seriously though...any magazine that can inspire me to completely reorganize and clean my house and office during my precious weekend time, is ace in my book. Thanks Domino for doing what you do! I hope to see much more of you in the very near future. xo Ez
And here's a wee snapshot of my beloved saved issues of Domino from year's past. I still read and love them!