In My Studio: An Elephant on a Bicycle
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Ez in About Me / My Shops, Art, about me, art, illustration, in my studio, my art, my life

So I've gotten into a bad habit recently of starting a movie on Netflix and then becoming completely immersed in something else while it plays. I probably only glance at the film (usually hidden in some forgotten tab) once or twice. Isn't that terrible! My best guess for this new vice is that the sound of the movie playing helps to distract the part of my mind that would otherwise be taken up with worry, doubt, or idle thought. Because of that I can then focus much more clearly on what it is that I really want to do. Maybe I should give podcasts and audio books a try too (any recommendations?)!

Anyhow in my case the thing I've been wanting do so more often than not lately is to draw. The other night I popped on an episode of Mad Men thoroughly planning to watch it, but then the theme song queued and immediately a bow-tie clad elephant riding a bicycle popped into my head and I had to start drawing him right away. I thought I'd show him to you today in his unfinished state, then I'll post again soon with some process photos that I will take as I work to give him some additional character using color and texture.

On a somewhat related side note...I have the toughest time drawing anything unless it is facing left or face-forward. Isn't that odd?! Just last night I discovered that they make little posable wooden models for 4-legged animals (like the wooden ones they make of humans) so I might have to pick up one of those. At least it would give me something to go off of while working on my sketches, since there aren't exactly bicycle-riding elephant resource photos floating around for me to practice with. Anyhow, my goal is to start doodling poses in my sketchbook every day until it becomes second-nature to draw an elephant (or llama, bear, etc.) at a 3/4, or some other currently challenging angle. Wish me luck!

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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