This month I'm teaming up with, firstly to give you a little heads-up about an awesome Pinterest contest that they will be launching any day now. Word on the street is that someone stands to win a $500 shopping spree to fill their home with the art they love. Awesome! Be sure to hop over and follow on Pinterest right away so you'll be poised and ready to win.
Secondly I'm also helping spread the word about the extensive collection of Americana artwork that they have available on their site. On top of that...did you know that all frames are also handmade here in the United States?! Pretty cool. Side note: this video totally made me misty-eyed when I first saw it. Is that silly?!
Now on to the art. Instead of just babbling on about random pieces of artwork (which could still be interesting if I do say so myself), I thought that it might be nice to instead quickly share my first memory with you of falling in love with art.
When I think of American artists, one of the very first that comes to mind is Norman Rockwell. I don't remember how young I was (maybe 5), but one year during my childhood my grandparents gave my sister and me a gigantic book of his work. I'm sure it was actually just slightly larger than an average book in size, but at my diminutive age it seemed enormous and magical. I've probably embellished certain memories about it...because I swear I can even remember it taking both my younger sister and me to carry the thing to the living room. But whether it took one or both of us to accomplish the task, once there we'd start at page one and slowly begin travelling through the chapters of art. My sister and I were not known to do many things peacefully together, but with the book as our tranquilizer we could happily lay there on the carpet side by side for hours creating stories to go along with the characters Mr. Rockwell painted. I would lose myself in the depiction of a family happily crowded around a holiday dinner table in Freedom from Want. I dreamt of one day getting to be the pretty teenager in After The Prom or the sophisticated lady in Going Out. And my animal-loving heart swelled as the page turned to At the Vets. So many paintings...and even more stories to go with them!
Norman Rockwell's overtly sweet depictions of American life no longer hold me quite as captive as they once did, but to a young kid growing up they were perfection. Even better than that, the love for art that they fostered in me is something that I will keep with me always!
Do have have your own art love story to share? I'd love to hear! xo Ez
Full disclosure: This post was sponsored by the lovely people at However all opinions and views expressed are my own.